Fishy sunday



Jan 6, 2014
Took my father and brother out this morning and it was phenomenal. Size 14 rainbow warrior was the ticket. Between us three there were approximately 35 fish to hand. Plenty that escaped the net. My best day in a long long time.

Trying to post pics from my phone. hope they will work.

Great fish and pictures! That last one says it all.
That is awesome Chris, what a days fishing congrats to all of you. I live it when it happens like that!
You guys had a really great day. Congrats.

Artistically beautiful shots. Content not so bad either!!!
Nice fish. They look wild to me. Awesome day. LL I assume?
All of these cold weather fish catching pics got me fired up. With that said, I'll still wait til late April to string a rod up. Nice fish BTW
thanks, im sure the locals know the locale with the last picture. I'm not sure if its ok to name this stream or not on the thread but if you'd like to know please PM me. It's not private or a secret by any means.

I have been trying to take my father as much as possible and get him on fish and I'm loving every minute of it.. bring on the spring hatches.. there were little black stones and tiny bwos starting mid day yesterday as well before I left..

wont be long now
Well you had the exact opposite of what I had yesterday. Fished two different streams, one limestoner and one freestoner. The limestoner was real low, and the freestoner was iced up in a lot of the good holes. Saw midges, black stones, and tiny olives as well.
Nice job! Great looking fish in there as well!

it looks like your nymphs are floating in the 1st assuming they are sitting on a glass table top?
J55tyger88 wrote:
Nice job! Great looking fish in there as well!

it looks like your nymphs are floating in the 1st assuming they are sitting on a glass table top?

correct.. took my wife's old college desk and turned it into a tying station.. any glue or such gets stuck on it, I can razor knife it off and keep it clean.. great for cleaning up loose thread

I haven't been there in a while, but I recognized it. Congrats on the great day.
I really wished I'd have fished Sunday. But it was Daytona Speedweek so I was glued to the TV, and the race(s) sucked, but hindsight is 20/20. Plus I figured everyone, and their brother, would be fishing the popular open streams.

I'm curious how y'all clean your gear? Or do you use designated gear? I'm not being an #censor#, I'm curious.
Brookie are you referring to the transfer of organisms or invasive species? I was told you either have to heat it to 140 degrees or let them dry completely for 48 hours .

I fish once a week and use a boot dryer for my neoprene waders due to sweat, so I'm covered.

Yes, Slinger, that was what I was referring to. I use the 10 day rule myself. Though I try to stay out of that watershed if possible, but that is not possible this time of year.
I've only fished spring 3 times so I've been newly introduced to the invasive species issues. of the three times I've been there its been weeks/months in between.. and this winter I've left my waders in my truck overnight (on accident) so ive essentially frozen everything solid which is another option it says..

im thinking if I visit spring more this year i'll have to be cautious especially if I hit other streams within that weeks period
