Fishing with friends or by yourself?

I like tandem fishing a small stream with someone I know. Never done it with a stranger. We usually alternate holes while the non fisher, spectates or coaches. We usually have two different presentations, so if the fish are picky, the second guy can give it a go, while the first switches up. If we find a nice enough hole, you can alternate fish.
wildtrout2 wrote:
troutbert wrote:
How do you all approach this? Supposing there are two people (or three) parking the vehicle near the mouth of a small brookie stream, and fishing on upstream?

How do you share the stream?
I have only had that happen once, and I just left. I make it a point to be at a given stream early enough that I won't have somebody upstream of me. One person ahead of you changes everything on a small stream.

I'm talking about going fishing with a buddy on a small stream, and how you share the stream.

Not about someone else showing up.

you move to Montana where you can each have 3 small streams to your self as nobody bothers with them..
troutbert wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
troutbert wrote:
How do you all approach this? Supposing there are two people (or three) parking the vehicle near the mouth of a small brookie stream, and fishing on upstream?

How do you share the stream?
I have only had that happen once, and I just left. I make it a point to be at a given stream early enough that I won't have somebody upstream of me. One person ahead of you changes everything on a small stream.

I'm talking about going fishing with a buddy on a small stream, and how you share the stream.

Not about someone else showing up.

Could still just leave. :lol: Might not go over so well with the friends though. Hah
it depends on my mood. I have a lot of time during the week to go so I like to go when I have time. Weekends are busy for me plus there are more folks out on the weekend. My kids are home from school on the weekend so hockey and work on the weekend keep me off the creek.

that said, it makes it hard to fish with friends but when I can I do. I used to always fish with friends but now I do enjoy fishing by myself more. when I fish with friends I find myself taking more photos or watching them. when I fish by myself I work on my game and improvement.

no wrong answer here in my opinion.
I used to think I wanted to fish alone all the time, then my best friend who basically got me to start fishing again as a young adult moved to MI. Now I always wish I had someone to fish with after a couple hours on the water alone.
Working a job where I'm usually off weekdays, forced me to fish by myself a lot - because all of my buddies were usually working then.
But now - 30+ years later - most of the guys I fish with are retired.
So, I almost always have someone I can hook up with to fish if I want.
And it's nice.

Bottom line for me - fishing by myself is OK. But i'd still rather share my time with someone else if I can.
troutbert wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
troutbert wrote:
How do you all approach this? Supposing there are two people (or three) parking the vehicle near the mouth of a small brookie stream, and fishing on upstream?

How do you share the stream?
I have only had that happen once, and I just left. I make it a point to be at a given stream early enough that I won't have somebody upstream of me. One person ahead of you changes everything on a small stream.

I'm talking about going fishing with a buddy on a small stream, and how you share the stream.

Not about someone else showing up.
Oh, OK. You didn't elaborate on that initially. All you can really do is leap frog the stream.
Yep. Leap frog is the easiest. taking turns always seems to work. Me and my buddy fish tons of small streams and we never have an issue.

Or more often or not, Ill give my buddy the easier water to fish since hes less experienced. Give him a few casts, wait for him to catch a fish or get snagged, then Ill move in and fish the same water. Thats how we spent most of yesterday.

I like to be in control of the situation and "guide" per say. Its just as much fun to me putting him into good fishing lanes and helping him figure out the best approach then seeing him catch a fish after my advice.

Sitting on a tailgate after a long day of fish and drinkin a few beers is more satisfying when you can talk and laugh about the day.

Plus, who ever doesnt catch the 1st fish buy beers the next time we go out.
I'm talking about going fishing with a buddy on a small stream, and how you share the stream.

In my younger years when I trout fished more this situation is actually pretty easy.

1: the "you go upstream and I go downstream" approach. Works the best as long as its just you two on the water. You wont fish together but also kind of are. Meet back at lunchtime, share what was working, how you did, bs about 30" brookies caught but the camera wasn't working, have a beer and drive to another stream and maybe try another approach, the same approach or just go home.

2: "You take the 3 next big pools" approach. Ive done this before and it works. One guy fish the 3 next big pools and the other fish the "dead water" between them. Then switch. You may find the "dead water" is holding more fish and its always mind boggling when that happens.

3: "Leap Frog" approach. Self explanatory.

4: The "Next Fish" approach. One guy fishes in the front until he lands a fish, then switch. Secondary guy fishes behind him. Only do this if your confident the guy you are fishing with is skilled or you are going to blow a lot of good water :lol:

5: The "Large River WWI" approach.
Skip trout fishing and go to a real stream or river and fish for real fish with plenty of room and laugh at the thought of fishing small water. :lol: ;-)
I enjoy fishing small streams with a buddy who only uses home-made spinners. We usually leap frog and it's always a little competitive with him using spinning gear and me a "silly flyrod" in his own words. Were good friends so it doesn't matter to me that he doesn't use flies besides more than likely he lands the largest wild / native fish of the day.
When I fish, I fish alone, even if I travel to the stream or river with a friend. We'll BS along the way but, once at the stream, I go my way and he goes his. The exception to this is the Salmon River where it helps to stay close to your buddy. I'll stay a little closer to a companion when on unfamiliar water but not too close.
I fish better when i am alone so I prefer to fish alone most of the time. However, i do like fishing with 1 or 2 buddies from time to time. It is hard though when people are on different schedules and sometimes the water I am on is only good for 1 or 2 people so your buddy has to move and fish alone anyway. Then you can meet up later I guess.
When if fish alone, I prefer to be by myself.

(apologies to George Thoroughgood)
I prefer to fish alone. I'm a one more cast, try one more fly, make one more pass, try the next hole downstream type of guy. I enjoy fishing with others but my drive tends to wear people out. I never want to quit.

What works best is going to camp with a group, for the camaraderie, but then I set out on my own to actually fish.
1. WIth my brother

2.with a friend or friends

3. by myslef

this is true when i am fly-fishing or if I have made the warm weather switch over to bass fishing


I like both but mostly fish by myself by my choice.