Fishing with friends or by yourself?



Jan 25, 2017
Hey guys, just curious to know what everyone on the site prefers best. Fishing with a buddy or a group, or fishing alone. I believe that both are a good time, as long as you are fishing, but they both have pros and cons. Just tell which one and explain why.

I prefer to fish alone because I focus more on the fishing and less on BSing about something. Also, I hate having to leave the stream early because they have to be home at a certain time haha.

I always discuss with friends the timeframe in which they can fish before I commit to anything but no matter what I always prefer to fish with friends and share the experience.
Id much rather fish with a buddy. Camaraderie and the BS is more important than catching fish to me.

Spending time with friends and making memories is what makes fishing special to me.

There was a thread started not long ago on this very subject. You can do a search and see the results if you like, but I prefer fishing alone. It's the solitude I seek, the whole reason I fish remote wild streams to start with. I can BS all I want when I get home. I guess I'm selfish, but I prefer doing things on MY schedule, not having to wait on others because they're not good at getting up early. :)
me and Ma Nature and the deer,coyotes,fox,elk,weasels,skunks,bobcats and every once and awhile a fish.
It depends on my mood. Sometimes I just want to be alone on the water to just absorb the solitude and really relax. But I would say that I enjoy fishing with my dad more than anything. The camaraderie and fun is something that you can't get back when its too late. The woods, waters, and wildlife are always going to be there, but the people that you share it with won't.
I used to almost exclusively fish solo. I enjoyed to solitude. Now, I'd just as soon fish with friends. Watching a friend catch a fish is just as enjoyable as catching it yourself AND you get to share the experience with someone else. I also think it's an amazing way to pick up on techniques that you might not normally use.

I'd say at this current time, I'd probably prefer to fish with friends, take pictures, drink a beer and BS. There are a few times a year where I'll make a solo trip and enjoy the solitude.
I prefer to fish with friends. However, most of my fishing is solo as much of it comes off spur of the moment and for short periods of time, typically 2-3 hours.

If I know I'm going to take a day to fish and know this well in advance, I'll usually invite friends (often from here on PAFF) to join me.
To me, a day with friends on the water is much more enjoyable than fishing alone. Like Dave, I often end up fishing alone because I am able to be flexible with my schedule, so I take a good number of unplanned trips based on conditions and nice weather. Also, many of my fishing buddies have young kids, as I do, so it is hard to make schedules sync up. I count every day that I get to spend on the water with friends as a blessing, and I enjoy watching a friend hook up a big fish, just as much as catching one myself!!!
I fish alone...because I don't have friends in the area who fish. :lol:

Alone is great when you want to reflect on life...but can't beat the BS and camaraderie of hanging with friends.
I enjoy both. For many off the same reasons already posted. Fishing with a good friend is an incredible experience. That being said, I also enjoy getting out on my own and embracing the solitude.

I once owned a 30' sailboat and invited many people to come and sail with me on the Chesapeake Bay. I had it configured so I could sail it solo and I did that more than a few times.
Severe hearing loss tends to make me a solitary angler probably 98% of the time. I can fish or I can socialize, but it is exhausting and very difficult to do both at the same time.

There are some occasional exceptions, but not many.

I'm not anti-social though. I'll be happy to ride to the stream with you and shoot the breeze en route. Hell, I'll even drive if you'd like. No problem... But once I get there, I'm fishing not socializing.
I enjoy fishing solo and do so often, but my most memorable days on the water have been with friends. I love the camaraderie and the memories made together. Like the day in May of 1980 when my buddy stalled his Jeep crossing Hammersleys with a bit to much gusto. I will never forget the three of us chasing our gear and scooping empty beer cans with our nets after when the Doors were opened. After nearly an hour trying to get the jeep started, my other buddy reached in his pack and pulled out a can of LPS1 (a greaseless lubricant). After a good ribbing and a new nickname (McGuyver), he gave the distributor and cap a good soaking and saved the day.
70/30 alone to with friends. Fishing with friends goes against my nature and is a different experience, but is necessary for truly healthy mind? I do always wonder how many fish I would have caught had I not had to share some with a buddy though.....
I fish solo most of the time, fishing with someone who complains is bad mojo. Fishing with a fly fishing guru means I could become the bad mojo. However, sometimes the guru needs a camera man.
It may be slightly selfish on my part but I fish more to get away from everything more than I do to catch fish. Listening to nothing but the water, wind, and birds for a few hours is what I'm really looking for. I also enjoy the freedom to be able to go where I want, stay as long as I want, go somewhere else if I feel like, etc.

I fish with my neighbor sometimes and another friend less often but the majority of my time on the water is by myself.
Only fishing I've done in my lifetime was with my Mom & Dad when I was a youngster and once I turned a teenager was with my younger brother........Once I started "dating" I took my future wife ( definitely a keeper)...... We've fished everywhere from Penns Creek, Yellow Breeches, Falling Springs, Pine Creek drainage ,Etc...... Also fished out west on the Madison (salmon flies) , Gallatin River ( in the dark until a wolf started to howl !!!!!), Grayling Creek & the Yellowstone River( at Buffalo Ford in the pitch black night fishing rusty spinners) .......Then the kids came and they had no interest...... So now I fish with my brother or just alone.....To me fishing is something very sacred / spiritual for me.....:):):)
I do both. I know that I am not a very good fly fisherman and like to learn from anglers who are better than me. I also like the solitude while exploring new water.

I have done a lot of solo canoe trips because I couldn't find someone to join me. I am looking forward to meeting mkerr from this board to canoe the striped bass run from Lake Chesdin(Petersburg, VA) to Appomattox, VA. I think that this will be a lot of fun.

We probably will have to plan on day trips since this is all private timber company land, but if we can time it so that the striped bass are running while we are on the river, we could catch a lot of fish.

He has family in nearby Keyesville to make day shuttles a reality.
Fishing with other people on a small stream can be "interesting" sometimes.

Different people have different ideas and customs about how to share a small stream between two people.

How do you all approach this? Supposing there are two people (or three) parking the vehicle near the mouth of a small brookie stream, and fishing on upstream?

How do you share the stream?
troutbert wrote:
How do you all approach this? Supposing there are two people (or three) parking the vehicle near the mouth of a small brookie stream, and fishing on upstream?

How do you share the stream?
I have only had that happen once, and I just left. I make it a point to be at a given stream early enough that I won't have somebody upstream of me. One person ahead of you changes everything on a small stream.