Fishing the WB next week:Monday through Thursday



Feb 13, 2009
Decided to fish the WB next week Monday noon to Thursday Noon.

Unfortuntely,two of the guys I usually fish with cannot make it..
Anyone want to join me for a day or two
PM me
Tom C
If the release remains at 1579cfs, you'll need a boat. I don't like wading it over 600cfs. Moving down to the Main should make it more wader friendly (but not great). At your age, I'd suggest lower or upper EB as it will be MUCH safer to hike around due to very low flows but the low flows will make fishing brutally tough.

Disclaimer ** Doubt the release will stay never does. I'm heading up the following weekend so won't do a mid week run. Keep an eye on flows and be careful. Call me if you need some suggestions.
Thanks ,Kray.....flows are high,for sure.I usually don't wade above 700cfs. myself
I probably will float it ,for 2 days,with an old friend and ff guide.
He really crushed them today on streamers

Another forum member,who only fishes drys had a very tough day today and he said wading was very tough.

My back up plan is to fish the LR,provided temps are ok

It went over 1700 last night and now dropped back to 1600. I'm quite sure it's pretty stained and likely has a lot of junk in the drift.
They pulled the plug around midnight on Friday night:

YoYo's 2,000 cfs now
2000 now because it poured for hours up there......but only on one side of the drainage. Beaverkill and East didn't move too much. That's the side in desperate need of rain too. Good new is that Walton inflow was cranking for a while which outs a little back into the lake. More is needed though
None of the above matters as it appears the dam operater is suffering from seizures. What a f'n mess. Run it dry before the jam...please.