Fishing the Susquehanna River FB page



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
If you're into warmwater fishing and more specifically the Susquehanna River, this Facebook page is an incredible resource for what's being caught: "Fishing the Susquehanna River". It's a "closed group", but they readily accept new members.

It's not fly fishing, but instead all disciplines of fishing. You get to see mostly the good things and a few bad things that you have to bite your lip on. But overall, it's a great tool to find out what's being caught and where. Pics of 25"+ brown trout gorging on darters or pig smallies doing the same are not uncommon. A good number of people are bank or wade fishing, so for us fly guys who do the same, it offers some perspective.

A guy posted up a pig quillback carpsucker caught at the Dock Street Dam in Harrisburg. It brought to mind a recent thread about them and their prevalence.


Photo credit: Dane Zimmerman, Facebook: "Fishing the Susquehanna River"
