Fishing Success This Weekend



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Well not for me. Too many procrastinated chores around the house, a little bit of planned Christmas shopping, and dinner obligations for tonight won't let me be streamside in this amazing weather...60's and cloudy!

Hope some of you guys are getting out. If so, let's hear about it!
I stopped by a stream I had never fished before or ever driven by yesterday on my way home for the holidays. I stopped in around 3:30 and found a spot that looked good to fish for about an hour til dusk. Landed a nice 16" brown, 2 12-14" and a small 10" before dusk and missed 2 fish, all wild. I definitely have a reason to stop back out now...

Never made it out this morning but will probably leave here momentarily and see if I can run into a few.
Spent the morning replacing the springs on my truck and spent the afternoon sitting in the woods sweating. Tomorrow, I shall fish.
Went to Shenandoah National Park today, met up with two younger guys I know from Instagram. Went to a pretty remote tributary of one of the more popular rivers and had an outstanding day. If you had told me this summer that I would be fishing in a T shirt casting dries to rising brookies in mid December, I would have said no way that will happen. Caught over 50 between the 3 of us. Nothing big but that's just absurd for the time of year.

Only negative is I fell, instinctively tossed the rod, and bent the reel pretty good. Might be able to fix it, just my old cheap setup anyway so no big loss if not.

Hope I am not the only one who got out!
I picked up a few small wild brook trout on Pleasant stream Thursday and my step son got an unexpected wild brown. Yesterday I caught two rainbows in the backyard(Lycoming). Today I tried Gray's Run and caught a tiny 3-4 inch brook trout. All 3 trips were less than an hour due to a hectic schedule, so I was happy just to see a few fish. Hopefully I will get out for most of the afternoon tomorrow.
I hit up a few hundred yards of our local fav, Swattie. Caught about 5 or 6 (nothing of size) in about an hour. Not bad for December haha! I hate how bare everything looks this time of year, though. Need some snow on the ground to fill out the landscapes.
Shot ducks in the morning. Took a nap. Went and fished the Lehigh around noon. Caught fish. Lost a slob. Took a nap.

Latest I have caught fish on the Lehigh. I stay away in the winter due to high risk of death.
Definitely taking advantage of the nice weather this weekend. Heading out to state college area (or CV) in the morning.

Heading out this morning for trout also, hopefully get into some browns where trout river meets WW, doesn't bother me taking a break from steel with the lack of rain, I need some practice swinging anyway just downsizin today haha
One from this spring out of the same location


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I was out Friday and Saturday in central PA...fished some small water Friday, did ok. Fished some bigger water and a trib on Saturday and had more success. Just happy to be fishing in December without frozen guides!
I fished the J the past two weekends and did much better when it was colder last weekend. Still great to have this extended warm spell!
Really glad I took some time to get out this weekend. I fished the Yellow Breeches in Boiling Springs, and was among many other anglers enjoying the warm weather. Not to mention dozens of hikers, families, and a family photoshoot.

It was a great way to finish up 2015, as I doubt I'll get out again with the holidays ending. Hooked up early with a pretty little rainbow. Small enough that I wondered if it was a native. Anyone know if rainbows spawn in the breeches? Next fish was even smaller, and definitely a gem of a wild brown. They both liked an egg that I was trailing behind a BH walts worm.

Covered a lot of other water with no result before I managed to birdnest my leader with one of those awkward casts that has you wondering how it's possible to tangle a leader so badly. After a minute of trying to figure out how to untangle, I cut everything off and switched to deaddrifting and swinging a white BH bugger with a little blue flash.

No luck and a few holes later, I thought I had snagged bottom in a fast riffle along an undercut. Then the snag rolled and took off. Two nice runs and a few tense seconds of thinking I'd break off on a rock, I netted my first ever 20"+ brown - taped in at just under 21".

Can't think of a better way to close out a year that included my first fish on my own tie, some excellent evenings chasing the sulphur hatch, and prospecting a few new waters. Hope you all got out and fished on a glorious weekend!


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Got out Saturday on a local wild brown stream in York Co. Caught 3 small wild brownies but the highlight was a red Fox crossing my path and having a 5 minute stare down at about 20 feet.
Got out tonight for the last 1 1/2 hours of daylight on a local limestoner. Got skunked, but it sure was a beautiful evening to spend on the stream for mid December.
Got out yesterday for 3 hours, A few creek chubs and 1 brookie about 7". Spent more time watching A ringneck that made it through the season, it stayed within 30 to 50 yards for almost an hour and really didn't care I was there. I think I just sat and watched the woods more than I actually fished.
I made it out - to apply pine needle mulch to strawberry plants and cleanup leaves. Got a hike in with the family yesterday afternoon as well, but alas no fishing was to be had.

Spring must be right around the corner..

I went out yesterday (Sunday) for a few hours with a couple friends at a SWPA stream. My friend caught a nice 16" brown and a smaller 10" brown, both on a muddler minnow streamer. I caught a big slob of a rainbow on a midge nymph I tied and a regular 12" rainbow on a bugger I tied. Great feeling hooking up on flies I tied. Overall slow fishing, but beautiful day to be out. There was even a couple hatches coming off. Something small, size 22, white. Maybe a midge hatch. Definitely taking advantage of this winter. Hoping to get a few more Sunday's in.
Was out Sunday on Valley Creek with my son. We each landed one. It was fun to watch fish rising and jumping like it was a mid summer hatch. Very cool for mid December.
Got out on Penns for a few hours yesterday morning. Daybreack to about 1130. Only managed to land one brown (14"). Lost 2 that looked to be about the same size. Still amazed that i was fishing in December with shorts under my waders and just a long sleeve Field and Stream shirt.