fishing regulatios



Feb 12, 2012
I saw people fishing on Muddy Creek and the creek just outside of Stewartstown ( can not remember the name ) today. I'm confused ,its not trout season. What am I missing?
Today was mentored youth day in SC region. kids under 16 were allowed to fish with a licensed adult. Kids had to have a permit too.
It is this kind of question that frustrates me into asking where the PFBC is failing in its effort to get the info on Mentored Youth Day out to the angling public, particularly to individuals with enough angling interest to participate on this board.. It is especially curious to me when, in contrast, I meet mothers and fathers on mentored youth day who are non-anglers, but still bring out their kids and buy a license to do so.

There was a lot of local newspaper coverage and it was well publicized on the Fish Commission web site. Probably the one confusing point for some people would be the signs, commonly posted on trees along stocked streams, which state "Approved Trout Water" and advise no fishing prior to regular opening day.

If you really want to get the message out better, you may wish to edit the signs to mention mentored youth day.

Frankly, I think that a softer marketing approach and word of mouth advertising may be better to get to your target audience. Additionally, anything you can do to dissuade adults from fishing themselves and keep them focused on helping the kids to catch would be beneficial from my viewpoint.

Luke wrote:

There was a lot of local newspaper coverage and it was well publicized on the Fish Commission web site. Probably the one confusing point for some people would be the signs, commonly posted on trees along stocked streams, which state "Approved Trout Water" and advise no fishing prior to regular opening day.

If you really want to get the message out better, you may wish to edit the signs to mention mentored youth day.

Frankly, I think that a softer marketing approach and word of mouth advertising may be better to get to your target audience. Additionally, anything you can do to dissuade adults from fishing themselves and keep them focused on helping the kids to catch would be beneficial from my viewpoint.


Yes I think the parents should not be allowed to fish themselves.

I saw on another thread that someone claimed they caught 52 fish in two hours. Really? How much mentoring went on with that youth? Unless that was the youth in which case I say Kudos to you young man.
Mike wrote:
It is this kind of question that frustrates me into asking where the PFBC is failing in its effort to get the info on Mentored Youth Day out to the angling public, particularly to individuals with enough angling interest to participate on this board.. It is especially curious to me when, in contrast, I meet mothers and fathers on mentored youth day who are non-anglers, but still bring out their kids and buy a license to do so.

Mike, the only reason I know about the Mentored Youth Days is because I'm on the PFBC website daily. There's almost nothing about it in the fishing summary booklet handed out with license purchases. If you want to get the word out, they should really feature the events in the summary booklet.

I would be curious as well to know how parents who don't fish discovered this for their children. My guess would be family friends at school or elsewhere do fish and told them.
Just end opening day, you could still have the mentored youth day to promote fishing among youths, but having it early before the season on a bitter cold day isn't going to promote as best it can be promoted.
I saw some adults out fishing on ATWs yesterday and no youths in sight (to be sure, maybe they were just up or downstream, I was driving).

I too had forgotten it was MYD and had to be reminded by a friend when I mentioned seeing anglers.

With respect to getting the word out, I think a lot of local newspapers, outdoor and sportsmen's clubs, and outdoor retail stores probably played a pretty big role. Maybe schools too(?). It's worth remembering that this was the first year it was open on all waters in the SC region and MYD is still a relatively new option.
You can mentor a youth without fishing. The adults should not be allowed to fish. If you're old enough to need a FL, no rod for you. As we've seen, its the adults who do the fishing. The Fish Commission's own FB thread posted a picture of two "youths" who were clearly mid-teenagers or older holding trout. That's how they're going to promote a youth mentor program?
Who cares! To heck with regulations!
The parents should not be allowed to fish. I think it's a good program. Great way to get the little ones into fishing. Why parents would be allowed to fish is beyond me.

Was out with my daughter for a couple hours soaking some tasty garden hackle. Nada. I wasn't fishing.

Trout were visible but not interested. Cold front/snow/cold/car accidents everywhere added a little excitement to the day.