Fishing Poppers



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
by George Daniel.

I fish poppers a little more aggressively than he recommends in the video at first, and then tone it down like he recommends if the smallies aren't having any of that.

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I've found that I get most hits when I simply let a popper sit and drift with the flow. If I don't get any action that way, I'll twitch it a bit, but rarely move them more than that.
I get most of my hits on poppers when I shift my attention to shooing a skeeter or gnat away from my nose..

Actually, I've found that the best retrieve varies from day to day and I don't know what is best for that day until the bass tell me.
I’m convinced I catch most of my smallmouth on poppers soon after the popper lands on the water, often before I even start to retrieve. You don’t need a ton of commotion with one. Slow and steady works best for me but that doesn‘t mean I don’t vary my retrieve.
I fish mine slow pretty much like how he says. The dissipating rings is something my dad taught me when fishing light jigs under a bobber and it’s something I’ve always adhered to. I seem to get more hits when it’s just sitting there doing nothing. My pops are not really pops just a little bounce before letting it sit still again.
I've noticed when it comes to fly fishing everything is downsized compared to the conventional gear lures. I think its a mistake fly fishers do when smallie fishing. A 4 or 5 inch fly is no problem for even a 12 inch smallie to eat. Maybe most anglers just don't like throwing big flies. I just tied up this one for the weekend on the West Branch Susquehanna.


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As soon as mine hits, one or two big chugs and then let it float. After a couple of seconds I'll give it another big chug and let it drift. More subtle movement the rest of the way back to my feet. A lot of the Hits come in between the proper landing and the second chug
I fish more sliders than poppers for smallmouth, bass in general for that matter, but I fish them both the same way. A little bit more aggressive than he does. I was taught to let the splash rings dissipate before starting the retrieve. I still do that. A couple of quick strips, pause, then I might do three or four strips, before the next pause, rinse and repeat. I've had bass hit my fly as soon as it hits the water, but I would say most of my hits come during the pause. Most of my bass bugs are between two and 4 inches long. I use a heavy duty thread furled leader, made for me specifically for bass fishing. They're 4 to 5 feet long and I use a 5 to 6 foot long piece of fluorocarbon, usually 20# or 25#. No problem turning the larger flies over with it.
My next serious attempt at smallmouth will be at the end of August when I head up to a lake in NE Ontario. Very clear lake you can see bottom in 8 to 10 feet of water. I had some top water action last year, but the larger bass were on shoals and rock piles in 15 to 25 feet of water.
The question of what size, style popper and how aggressively you fish them depends upon what you are attempting to imitate.