Fishing permission cold shoulder



New member
Jan 10, 2017
I'm new to the area as I travel for work a lot. Originally from southern Missouri. I have been researching maps and such here in the Lancaster County area and probably half a dozen times now over three days I've talked to land owners who seem less than friendly to say the least. One guy said this is "our property there ain't any fish in this creek" and suggested i try the bass pond down the road. Ive tried telling them i prefer small stream fishing but many people don't seem too tickled with the idea that i might walk upstream past their property just to get to where the fish are. Are people normally this put off by fly anglers in this area? Are there any maps that show public acceses in the area? Thanks for the help.
You are about 30 years too late to find many landowners in Lancaster Co that are willing to give permission let alone are even courteous. Best bet is to find stretches on public land or some streams that are on private land but are APPROVED TROUT WATER are often good. Good luck.
Good to know, I've going by the class list. Is there a certain way to know if the waters are approved or not?
Yeah theres a list on PA Fish Comm website. PM me if you want some places to fish.
Even though i hate asking, i am here for information so pm sent.
Geographically speaking, where were you trying to gain access in Lancaster Co.? Some sections are probably much easier than others, but I have had little trouble there.
There are a two streams that run near oxford i wanted to try that were on the class a wild list but every where along the banks is posted so i figured talk to the property owners, of the few that would do more than stare at me from their window none seemed to keen on giving access. It's all good it's just different than what I'm used to, you can't own the stream bed or banks where I'm from. Every state's different though so it's just part of getting to know this one.
I have not had issues either, overall, gaining access to private waters in Lancaster county. Only 2 creeks come to mind and both were long shots considering the landowners.
If I'm thinking I'm correct about the one you tried, ya its sealed up tight. There are other streams in Lancaster with trout your better off trying those.
I do not know for certain, but I would think that access could be gained at the property where the PFBC and TU did habitat work. Additionally, the upper mile of the stocked section supports what looks to be an improving wild trout population. Perhaps the population is expanding downstream from the Class A stretch. Additionally, there are a few wild brown trout streams near there that are really quite good in some spots, despite not being Class A.
Not sure if we are talking same stream but this is what i found on one stream in that area......IF you are a TU member they will let you on....which is of course not the purpose of TU membership.... In fact shortly after TU improvements were done the NO FISHING signs went up. Pretty crappy move if you ask me.
I agree I was a TU member for many years but I felt that in Missouri being a part of the MDC's stream teams did more good than being a TU member so I haven't renewed membership in about two years. TU is a good organization just where I lived you didn't see them as often as the local organizations. If they really are starting to zone streams for their members only that's just another reason for me not to be associated with them. That's fairly similar to the bow hunting clubs in NJ my uncle deals with who tryed posting a members only sign on his property.
If I had to guess your trying to gain permission to fish on some Amish properties. It's not really any better with non Amish owners but unless your a neighbor they are not very trusting. No worries though there are a lot better wild trout streams to the west of the area your looking at. Take a look at the pfbc wild trout streams listing Here . Class A streams are not always what they are cracked up to be and the data may be from years ago. Just about any stream with wild trout reproduction is with checking out provided its large enough for some enjoyable fishing.
That's the list I have been going by. I lucked out finally found a guy who didn't mind if I fished his stretch of stream. That being said I didn't see any fish and the water was super clear, I still tried nymphing a few fishy looking areas but no hits. Still was a decent day and nice to get out of the truck and meet some friendly people.
You guys got that situation all wrong.
After the work was done a few guys came in and fished. The farmer doesn't want harvest and they were keeping fish. When he asked them not to, they got very lippy with him. Then the signs went up. It's not DTU zoning streams off, it's other anglers showing no respect.
I have fished that stretch 3 times, it is loaded with fish and a polite conversation will gain you access. It's not a hard thing.
The rest of the stream is tightly locked up.

My advice is to go elsewhere. There are better streams with better access and better scenery.
I never said that was the situation, I was stating my stance on TU. And a polite conversation failed for me more than a few times on that stream but i found other places so it's no big deal. I'm glad it's worked for you but not everyone is as friendly as you say and that's alright, I'm sure they have their reasons, I started the thread because i am new to the area and didn't know if that was the norm or not.
My reply was to Fox.
That said are you sure you talked to the same landowner that I did?
In the project area?
I have found him to be more than friendly. That said it's been awhile and perhaps more people have pissed him off. It only takes one to ruin it for everyone.

I have lived here my entire life and can speak to the attitudes of a vast majority of landowners in the county. Most are friendly if you talk to them. If you are only using that area as your sample size then you need to expand outward.
I'm not sure what you mean by project area. I doubt i spoke with the same person. I just know that even after i started this thread i kept talking with folks and had no luck, even where i ended up today i had to try three different houses before one land owner was okay with me fishing that stream. You say most are friendly if you talk to them and i would have to disagree because my experience thus far has been the opposite of that. A few people seemed put off that i walked up their driveway. A few have been friendly and politely stated why they don't allow anglers but those were far between . It could be that I'm not from here and that throws them a bit I don't know.
I agree with Sal, there are much nicer and more scenic streams in the county with plenty of access. A quick look at google maps should help you find the public land. I think you will find that there are plenty of streams with a solid population of wild trout in close proximity to keep you busy. That list in my previous post was not a class A list. Those streams could be anywhere from class d to a. There are only a couple of class As in Lancaster county and maybe only 1 lives up to its status.
I understand that and it's not just one stream I've sought access along. I have been to probably five different small streams within 20-30 minutes of the kirkwood/oxford area and have not found any of the ones I've looked into to have public access and all of them to be posted so i usually park on the road side so I'm not blocking anyone's driveway and I'm out of the way of others and walk around and talk to the land owners. As I stated a few have been friendly but the majority have seem put out by me even asking. This has just been my experience. I've been putting in quite a bit of footwork over the last week or so. It's just different this is the first state I've lived in where people can own the actual stream. I found one area and I'm bound to find others. It's just a little off putting having some folks look at you like you're an idiot who didn't realize it was their land.
The project area is the section DTU restored a few years back.

There are streams for trout on public land in Lancaster, but IMO a 1 he. drive yields way better fishing if you are into trout and small streams. Look to the forests. Virtually the entire Lancaster County valley is void of good trout fishing.
