Fishing opportunities near Hershey



Dec 2, 2006
Hey Guys:
I'm headed to Hershey this weekend for my daughters hockey tourney and I'm going to try and scheme in some fishing. Are there any trout streams around Hershey or in the area? I know about the Susky but was wondering if there are any other places to check out. Thanks for the help guys!
Ok, feeling a little stupid asking that question after looking at the map..., nonetheless if anyone wants to make any recommendations feel free to pm me.
The Quittie in Annville might be the only option for trout. There is a park in town with a delayed harvest stretch. Real easy access, haven't fished it in a while. The water usually is pretty cold although I don't know what this heat wave did to it. It is very close to Hershey. Just head down 422 and the park is a couple of blocks from the square on the right.
The Quittie is a limestone stream, and it stays pretty cold. I haven’t been near it this Summer at all, but I’ve temped that DHALO stretch in heat waves and it was still in the mid 60’s. It may have some holdover stocked fish, but there isn’t much natural reproduction in it. It’s recovering from pollution, and its headwaters still run through an exposed concrete culvert through the center of Lebanon. It has potential, but isn’t there yet.

CV limestoners are about 45 mins to an hour away to the west on the TPike.

The freestoners within reasonable driving distance (Manada/Stony/etc) are all very low, and likely borderline too warm.

Clarks below the dam is probably cold, but very low and clear.

Your best bet is Swatara Creek for Bass. It’s at a very nice level for wading and there’s generally good access around Hershey/Hummelstown…just look for bridges or one of the many small parks along the creek.
I've often had good late summer and fall fishing on the Quitty in the DHALO stretch. I think the water generally stays cold enough for fish to hold over but after this summer, who knows? I fished it in June before the heat really set in. I fish a foam beetle almost exclusively in the summer months on that stream. Day I fished I immediately found rising fish only to find that they were all some of the most pathetic looking, small, stocked brook trout you'll ever see. Very disappointing.