fishing on private land-lititz run



New member
Jan 3, 2014
When I have gone fishing it has always been on public grounds. There is a stream close to my house that is on private farm land. The stream is lititz run and today I went by it on my way home to take a look at it and there is signs that says that it is private property fly fishing catch and release only and something about the land owners permission being needed. Does this mean I need to ask the land owner if I can fish on thier land? Has anyone fished on the lititz run? Did you have to knock on their door when you want to fish? Its a really nice stream id like to learn on because it is so close to home and very convenient.
The situation on Lititz Run has been discussed extensively here in past threads. You might do a search, or, given some time, some of our regular folks from that area may chime in.

(This thread will be moved to Fly Fishing Locations forum shortly)
The FFO C&R section is the Thompson Farm. I believe the signs say fishing at land owner's discretion. You can fish there any time you want, but as the signs note, the land owner can ask you to leave any time he wants. Never happened to me and I've fished that stream since I was 17. There was one time where he needed to mow the yard and asked if I wouldn't mind fishing another stretch, but that's it.

Respect his land, don't break the rules (don't harvest, don't use bait on fly rods, etc.), and everything will be fine!