Fishing Nets



Dec 14, 2006
I am interested in purchasing a new fishing net. I mainly catch fish between 8 to 12 inches, but am still looking forward to that big 18 to 20 inch brown trout up here in the West Canada Creek. I do all catch and release. What is a good net for this type of fishing. Should it be the rubber webbing or just tight nylon? The net I have now is ok, but i sometimes get the hook caught in the tight nylon webbing.

Thanks for the help.
The rubber nets are the way to go if you don't mind the little bit of added weight they have. I fish tandem a lot and the extra hook doesn't get caught up in the rubber netting. Plus people say it's better on the fish. I've fished one for about 3-4 years now and love it. You can score one for about $20-$30 at most outdoors stores.
I know they are really expensive but the Brodin Ghost Nets are really nice. They have a clear rubber-like net that is pretty lightweight and you won't get your flies snagged in it. My Wife and Kids got me one for Christmas and I think it will last me a lifetime and maybe one of my Grandkids will have a treasured heirloom someday.

My thoughts on net size is get one that is at least a size bigger than you need because when you really need one you will want one bigger than you have.

Mine is the Frying Pan model which has a 18"x12" opening. I haven't caught anything near 20" this year but 16" to 18" trout are no sweat. It would probably work real nice for summer smallmouths too.

I really like my rubber net. If you want to balance the weight, you could get an aluminum framed one instead of wood. Just remember wood floats, metal does not. Just ask Krayfish.
I second the brooding fish bum. Loved netting 2 fish before dropping it in the middle of the river / watching it sink in 5' of water. Yes, wood floats but if your fishing partner is so selfish that they won't come over to snap a photo of your fish, these things happen. Next net will have a float clipped to it. Thanks for making me row up river so you could take my pic and then making me row back up to take your pic.
If you remember correctly my anchor was stuck and I could not move. Think of it this way......everytime you float over Methodist pool, you have somthing to look for! I looked yesterday if it means anything to you.
Lol. That thing was snatched up by 8am the next day.
I have a Brodin ghost net. Buy a cheap net from ****s or Gander. Wide at the front with a deep net, no less than 18 inches. Don't spend more than $30. While I like the rubber net, it's heavy and the basket while pretty deep isn't shaped like the cheapo aluminum net which just lets water through it faster if you want a quick catch and release, it's the ticket. It does suck as a fly nabber. If your good cutting them off, retying and picking them out later you've saved $90. If you're not which I'm not it's a skill that would come in handy. My Son competed and his Brodin net was sponsored as he got it for free, he gave it to me. He fishes with a ****'s net with duct tape on it. (His modification) Catches fish in the air, should the occasion present itself. You don't need a Brodin but I do as I appreciate not having to untangle my flies from netting, it's also less stress on the fish which take me too long to land.