Fishing Near State College This Week

I hope that is sarcasm because that is a horrible piece of advice. I know someone who died while wade fishing who slipped and hit their head on a rock. Know your physical limitations and don't exceed them. In your other comment you said that it is "not a real possibility" that you could've drowned, please explain? I was a junior Olympic level swimmer who is still in phenomenal shape and I exercise caution every single trip.
I think it's bad advice to tell someone when and where to fish based off of one's own set of safety principles. In this particular scenario anyone against fishing the J in the current conditions, which are totally wadable, are actually in the wrong and could rob someone of a potentially incredible fishing adventure.

Your story is tragic however I would presume the person fishing understood the ultimate price one can pay in this sport for a mistake. That story is very specific set of unfortunate events but certainly a possibility, especially on some of the small creeks I fish with rapid changes in elevations. I accept the fact that my own death is a possibility, albeit an extreme one, when I fish.

I'm not against safety nor am I here to say that you are incorrect in your thinking, but I see a lot of people telling people what not to do and confining them to a very limited way of thinking. Sometimes you just gotta let people get out there and rough it man.

I've hopped many a boulders where a fall would probably result in multiple broken bones, I've fished through thunderstorms, and fished creeks well above their typical flow rate. Sometimes fishing in harsh conditions paid off sometimes not, but I put in the work when it was due and I'd gladly do it again. Not recommending anyone else to try what I do nor am I going to say I'm some kind of pro or that I have the guts, I just have a much higher bar for risk/reward. I think of nature as a casino, sometimes when there is high risk there can be high reward. I'm also an adrenaline junkie by nature so sometimes the added danger excites me. I'm also kind of mad scientist and the person who says "hold my beer". A dangerous personality trait perhaps. Fortune favors the brave and all that jazz... Carpe Diem!
As mentioned, this is very poor advice. Respect the power of water!
I respect the power of water wholeheartedly, I just have a good understanding of reading the water (in terms of how dangerous it is) and knowing my own physical limitations. I've been around creeks since I was 10 (now 31).
Lots of viewers may not have your water reading prowess. I maintain it was poor advice you gave in you post.
My wading prowess is not that good, I'm just an animal and I now agree with what you are saying. I am indeed in the wrong with the advice I provided.
My wading prowess is not that good, I'm just an animal and I now agree with what you are saying. I am indeed in the wrong with the advice I provided.
Sometimes you really do have to risk it for the biscuit (aka the good fish!). The time I get most scared when wading is when I need to cross to the other side and the water is super fast, and then there are the classic PA freestone boulders tripping you up every step of the way.
Guys and gals. I have had time to ponder the comments I have made on this thread and have come to the conclusion that I am indeed in the wrong in my statements. I was acting emotionally and was out of line. I issued a formal apology to a member that I felt I may have offended. What I said was out of line so I am going to own up to it. I will leave my comments as evidence (I don't dirty delete) for accountability purposes. If someone (in good fun) wants to use what I said in a "bad takes" thread that would be fine.

I am looking to learn and grow in this wonderful group as I go down the rabbit hole of this wonderful hobby so my toxic behavior would be much better suited trolling Tenkara fanboys (oh, let's not start...).

Anyways I hope the OP got into some fish over the weekend and had a good time. I went 1 for 2 (trout) on the Little Lehigh yesterday.
Guys and gals. I have had time to ponder the comments I have made on this thread and have come to the conclusion that I am indeed in the wrong in my statements. I was acting emotionally and was out of line. I issued a formal apology to a member that I felt I may have offended. What I said was out of line so I am going to own up to it. I will leave my comments as evidence (I don't dirty delete) for accountability purposes. If someone (in good fun) wants to use what I said in a "bad takes" thread that would be fine.

I am looking to learn and grow in this wonderful group as I go down the rabbit hole of this wonderful hobby so my toxic behavior would be much better suited trolling Tenkara fanboys (oh, let's not start...).

Anyways I hope the OP got into some fish over the weekend and had a good time. I went 1 for 2 (trout) on the Little Lehigh yesterday.
No need to apologize. Everyone has a difference in opinions on here, which is what makes this forum so unique. I seriously admire the abilities of those master waders who are like water mountain goats, I just know the average joe doesn't have this capability. I have said a lot of dumb stuff on here that people do not agree with, but we reach common ground and learn from one another! I'm with you on trolling Tenkara fanboys (but we won't start!)

Side Note: If anyone will be fishing Penns Friday morning or Saturday please let me know as I would be happy to meet and exchange some flies or knowledge with one another!
No need to apologize. Everyone has a difference in opinions on here, which is what makes this forum so unique. I seriously admire the abilities of those master waders who are like water mountain goats, I just know the average joe doesn't have this capability. I have said a lot of dumb stuff on here that people do not agree with, but we reach common ground and learn from one another! I'm with you on trolling Tenkara fanboys (but we won't start!)

Side Note: If anyone will be fishing Penns Friday morning or Saturday please let me know as I would be happy to meet and exchange some flies or knowledge with one another!
Unfortunately I work those days... Gotta hustle for my steelhead trip so I can get skunked at a new location.
I was fishing a slow pool on bedrock. Had to almost tip toe to get to my spot. It was pretty sketchy but I had it under control (mostly) as I know how to wade creeks effectively. If I did slip I would have gotten drenched but nowhere near to the point of drowning. My fishing partner is a safety nut and gets sketched out about the slightest thing (I'm not against safety, use precautions as you see fit) and scolded me after I had fished. In this instance I think she was just butthurt that I got into fish. My response was a laugh as I had caught fish and she didn't. This of course did not help our relation as friends.
Ahh! The exuberance of the youths. "The two yuts?"
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So a quick update on my trip. Sorry for the delay.

I ended up fishing the Little J near Spruce Creek. The water was low and gin clear. Unfortunately I did not do all that well. My approach and presentation was totally off and only netted 1 10" brown and lost 1 at the net. I did see a lot of fish in the flat sections but as stealthy as I thought I was they saw me coming from 40 yards!

The good news was the next day I fished with George Daniel. A great experience all around! He changed my leader system from a 20# EN setup to a 6# micro leader setup. After about 30 - 45 minutes working with me to refine my casting I was on to some really nice fish. For the first time fishing a tight line/EN setup (2 years into this method) I actually felt the fish bump the fly! It was an amazing transformation of my tight lining skills. I am still a novice with tight lining but at least I feel that major progress was made.

Overall for the day (5 hours with George) I netted about 5 really nice browns and rainbows. I dropped another 3 or 4 during the fight.

Unfortunately, I have not been back on the water since then but hopefully back out to Yellow Creek next weekend.
Don't beat yourself up for not doing well initially, it's a tough creek. Only reason I caught fish there was by chance. I won't claim to be an expert on that stretch of water as I have only fished it once.

That's good that George Daniel helped you out and it's good that you have already made a massive improvement. I need to improve my own tight-lining methods.

Good luck on your next trip and keep us posted.
I will say that one thing that I took for granted was the true meaning of being connected with the fly. I've watched countless videos and read a ton of books and articles. But until George actually showed me it didn't fully register. That and I think moving to a micro leader made all the difference. Or, maybe the section of Big Fishing Creek we fished had his trained trout to always ready willing and able to take a fly!