fishing in the rain

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
i have been trout fishing a long time and have come across so many anglers along the stream. its kind of funny sometimes the people you meet and the characters youll never forget. (especially on first day! :roll: but one thing i have always heard through conversation is a story about a day that is was raining and the fish were really turned on by something. i always wondered why. i belive now that in rain becomes a soft cover for the fish. is one reason. the water surface becomes disturbed and the fish becomes less visible to prey. thats better for you!
if you fish in the beginning of a moderate rain fall. the water volume slowly increases allowing slight debris and FOOD to wash down stream. the fishing knowing that they are hidden by their new found soft cover move into position for easy meals.
one of my favorite times to go native fishing is in a scattered rainfall for a region. like when its sunny in spots and raining in others. ill drive around to differnt close by native streams. my story about fishing in the rain is a fourty brookie day on 3 differnt streams. i was on the best of the 3. the rain was so spotty that dark ominious clouds would go by blasting down rain for a few minutes. only to become sunny for a few. on time the rain stopped kinda sudden and the water surface slowly cleared in a 8 foot deep crystal clear pool. about 10-12 brookies scattered for cover! :-o it was probably on of the coolest thing i had ever seen. kinda unreal. i always recoomend fishing on days like that. you guys in tioga and potter get more weather like that than we do. jealous--------> :-D

I spent last weekend fishing with a pro fisherman (writes FF articles and has DVD's). He told me that the PH changes in sunny weather - the sun feeds algae and microscopic growth and changes the PH. The fish can detect this and it causes them to become more skittish. I’ve never heard or read that before last week. That coupled with the fact that fish feel more secure from overhead predators on dark rainy days usually leads to good fishing.

I have noticed that BWO's seem to hatch more in rainy weather and remain on the surface longer. One other thing - there are less two legged predators carrying fly rods out in the rain - sounds good to me - I'm leaving right now to fish in the rain......wish me luck!
Ah yes. Fishing in the rain! Less or no Yuppie Orrvis people. Terrestrials get washed iinto the water, visabilaty is reduced, the weather change triggerrs hatches, what more can you ask for?
Another thing about rain is it almost always comes with a front and when a front comes through it changes the barometric pressure. This turns on fish to feed...especially big fish. I'm not so sure how much trout are effected by the change but I know bass and muskies are definitely turned on by a front. Back in 2000 my brother and I had it nailed down to a science for muskie fishing. We could get to our spot about an hour or two before the front would come through (you'd be able to hear the thunder roaring in the distance) and we'd always get at least some hits and we landed several muskies including a 50 incher. We havn't had a year like that since then, we could plan things out so well. I'm sure big trout will respond in the same way although I haven't seen it produce like I have for bass and muskies with the weather change.