Fishing Gear Scammer?



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
There's always the old saying of "If it's to good to be's likely not true." Well, I was just "surfing" the other day and did one on this Riversmith 2 Banger fly rod holder. Most places list the price at $399.

Then I came across this site: Tatomake and found the identical rod holder for $55. Yes....Fifty Five dollars.

So, I went as far as to ask that company if the price was in fact correct and I got this response:

We take delivery directly from the manufacturer, and recently engaged in activities, so the price is cheaper.
If you have any other questions,pls feel free to email us.

Now....I'm not going to take this any further than the inquiry I made. I know there are a lot of scams set up in order to obtain credit card information and I only deal with known, reputable companies.

It appears to me that this response I received was from someone that is not well versed in the written english language as the first sentence does not make sense.

In any event, just be aware that scams do exist....and I'm not saying this is a scam......but if it appears to good to be true.......'nuff said.
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It lists Multiple reviews asking how to contact

From what I found I would not buy or give any information to the site. JMO
I looked at that link and opened the web site. I scrolled down a ways and saw an Abel fly reel with the rainbow pattern for $65. Obviously that is impossible so I sent Abel an email and included the link for the reel and a little note. Their customer service gal emailed me today thanking me for the email and link. She asked me if she could send me a reel for my thoughtfulness. I wish! Haha just kidding. But she is going to send me some Abel decals. Which was neat. She said they are going to "investigate" that web site as they don't sell reels to them.
I work in computer parts so I see my share of Chinese knockoffs. It also happens to be where a lot of stuff is made. Always be cautious but just because someone doesn't have English as their first language doesn't make them a scammer. The "If it seems too good..." mindset is also a good way to go. But what if they just jack up the price? Just saying.
I don’t buy it. I do absolutely believe in “If it seems too good…” and if you still want to go for in you will get screwed and probability get a piece of crap made in China and you deserve everything you get. But the other thing is if you want of buy an item why not go the manufacturers website. Where you can buy it, or they will direct you to their official reseller. Stop and think about it, what if someone ask you to take 25% or 50% of your salary for what you do for a living.
This thread will be moved to Gear Talk shortly where it will likely get more visibility.
Do as you please but as payback for sitting at home on my arse for the last 3 months while the economy crumbles, When possible, I'm going out of my way to NOT buying anything made in China.

It ain't easy I know, but I want to send a message to American companies that play the game and other profiteers out there that I'm done!!

Exactly the way I feel about the businesses and counties in Pennsylvania, that feel the rules don't apply to them.
People want to move to green but from what i have seen today these same people don't want to fallow anyone's rules but their own.
