Fishing for Susky SMBs

Interesting and pretty spot on. Yesterday, I drove past the narrows with my nephew and pointed bass or walleye fishermen. Used to be 40 boats in that section every fall and spring looking for bass and walleye in winter holes or pre spawn. Now it's just 8 boats anchored with catfish rigs out.
Yup....the Susky is changing from a great smallie river to a cattie river. Ya think the flatties are big?....wait for the blue catfish to begin populate the Susky. Zow-wee diggins!!!

Did you see the video of the guide landing a big flathead in narrows and then pulling a 4 pound bass out of it's throat with a pair of plyers? As always, so called experts will tell you that the cats don't eat bass, they live in different types of water and compete for different types of prey. BS. They are here now and feeding on bass that took 15 years to reach their current size. Effing shameful but what can you do?
Did you see the video of the guide landing a big flathead in narrows and then pulling a 4 pound bass out of it's throat with a pair of plyers? As always, so called experts will tell you that the cats don't eat bass, they live in different types of water and compete for different types of prey. BS. They are here now and feeding on bass that took 15 years to reach their current size. Effing shameful but what can you do?
Trade in your Stealthcraft and buy this rig, Dude!!!

If it held eight sticks, I'd do it
Did you see the video of the guide landing a big flathead in narrows and then pulling a 4 pound bass out of it's throat with a pair of plyers? As always, so called experts will tell you that the cats don't eat bass, they live in different types of water and compete for different types of prey. BS. They are here now and feeding on bass that took 15 years to reach their current size. Effing shameful but what can you do?
I was in a roundtable last year with some biologists and they were talking about how the flatheads learn quickly which baits people use. They had to engage anglers to get current intel on what people were using so they could use unique baits. They eat pretty much anything that will fit in their mouth. When people were hot on using bluegills to catch them, the fish quickly learned that bluegill were dangerous and switched to another species.
I was in a roundtable last year with some biologists and they were talking about how the flatheads learn quickly which baits people use. They had to engage anglers to get current intel on what people were using so they could use unique baits. They eat pretty much anything that will fit in their mouth. When people were hot on using bluegills to catch them, the fish quickly learned that bluegill were dangerous and switched to another species.
There’s the answer! talk About not seeing the forest through the trees. To save the smallmouth we have all start flathead fishing with smallmouth bait until the flathead associates them to danger and they move on to another food source.

that has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard from the very group of experts we are trusting to save the SMB. I hope some smart anglers called them out on it.
Dr. Megan schall is doing a stomach content PCR study to see what the flatheads are eating. They are processing data last time I asked her. I bet some interesting stuff comes up in that. Anything we are trying to recover I imagine will be found. Eels, shad trucked over dams, and more. And someone mentioned the Blues. It’s an invasive cat fish Disneyland. There could be hope for smallies yet there are some new pretty interesting control techniques coming out for invasive fish. Anyone wants to get one of those 8 rod rigs Krayfish talking about this summer hit me up.