Fishing Creek at Tylersville Hatchery

We should all be aware that hatchery effluent damages trout streams, period. Big Fishing Creek likely has an excessive amount of hatchery effluent flowing into it from the Tylersville Fish Hatchery. After hearing from multiple people who visit this stream that they are seeing dead fish and things that are out of the ordinary I think its pretty obvious something should be done.

I made an inquiry with the hatchery about the same thing that FoxGap and others have pointed out last year and apparently there is still a problem. Below is a list of just a couple of different agencies to contact. Please do not use this thread for small talk or to reminisce. If you contact an agency listed or have one to add please share... if not please refrain so important information and contact does not get buried. I just emailed the PA Department of Environmental Protection. Will let you know when somebody responds.

Tylersville State Fish
43 Hatchery Lane
Loganton, PA 17747
Visitor Hours: Daily, 8:00
a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

PA Department of Environmental Protection General Email

The Record Locations
Clinton County's Oldest Newspaper

Renovo Office
12423 Renovo Road, Renovo, PA 17764
Phone 570-923-1500 :: Fax 570-923-1572
Email addresses are:

Lock Haven Office
21 E Main St, Lock Haven, PA 17745
Phone 570-893-7668 :: Fax 570-748-0092
Here's a link to an article that gives some, not all, of the history there.

Nick provided some good information a few posts above that was merged into this topic. Please have a look at how you can get involved.

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Calling any newspaper about it is a good idea!
I'd email the local Papers. They get a story with no effort .

Any kind of water industry shouldn't be near a spring creek.
