Fishing again



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
I have a place to stay in the Poconos and fish again. I don't want to advertise just yet. How can the hospitality industry stay in business if they can't rent rooms?

I will tough it out. McDonald's and Burger King drive through for a weekend fishing in the Poconos.

I just now need the water levels to drop .I think that I am going to fish muddler minnows again since I have enough of them.

I have stayed in many a dump of a motel room prior to canoe trips. If I drink enough beer, I can sleep my way through anything.
The real question is, how can government take your constitutionally protected life, business and job away regardless of specific industry.
I think that you are asking the right question, which is why I want to protect the motel. If they need to make money and want me to hide my vehicle parking it, I understand.

I also really need a haircut. I will wear a facemask to get that to happen.
If you need a place to pitch a tent, you can use my property. 100 acres between I-80 and Pocono Raceway.

Toby will be blown out for a while. Fished small brookie stream today. We need leaves as I was cooking out there from the sun!
Thank you very much for the camping offer. I appreciate that and will host you at my rod and gun club.

It is in and around Blakeslee.

I am somewhat of a local at McGuinleys just south oh Blakeslee on Rte. 115.

I have one of those cabelas Alaskan geodesic tents which is very good in any kind of weather.

poopdeck wrote:
The real question is, how can government take your constitutionally protected life, business and job away regardless of specific industry.

The Federal, State or Local government is within their power to declare an emergency (in this case because of a pandemic of an infectious disease) and close businesses as well as to issue a stay-at-home order to all citizens.

But this country is a democracy. If you disagree with the leaders of government, and/or with the power these governments are given, it is within your right to do this > Here.
poopdeck wrote:
The real question is, how can government take your constitutionally protected life, business and job away regardless of specific industry.
That's a stupid question, considering what we're going through right now. You were probably attending the festivities at the Michigan Capitol. :roll:
The real question is can the government manage a virus pandemic in a competent fashion that controls the virus so that we are protected, and that our economy can then open back up safely?

The answer in South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand is yes.

The answer in the US is no.

The actual real question is pretty fundamental:

What are the limits of individual rights when their exercise is potentially a danger to our fellows? The old "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose starts" thing.

Viewed through that prism, gov't actions during this pandemic have not been an abuse of individual rights. However, as is often the case when these things are discussed, we hear a lot more about "my" rights than we do "our" responsibilities in how our rights are exercised.
Canoe tripper are there trout to be had downstream off the foot trail on 115 Blakesley. I'm a on-the-road salesman and over the years that little pkg lot pull-of is a normal rest stop for me after I buy lunch at the Wawa. I've often wondered if there were trout in there.
Despite what the almighty governor says and has convinced some of, there are no laws that allow him to close private business for a virus. There are no laws that permit the designation of essential and non essential business. A law has been exceedingly and creatively stretched and trotted out to an ignorant populace more concerned with "Likes." Essential and non essential were just boldly made up and thrown into the mix with out any spin or creativity. There is no enforcement of not shutting down because the shutdown is not backed by any law. Enforcement amounts to threats of future targeting by the tax man.

Two simple rules - wash your hands and don't touch your face. You are now empowered with the knowledge to prevent the spread of the virus. Your like count will go down but hey these are trying times.
I would never swing at your nose as I want you to have the opportunity to observe my life and my viewpoints in the hope you'll convert. That is the American way. Lets not forget that there is much blood on the hands of the leaders that are claiming to be acting in our best interests right now. Many are pro-abortion. The Gov. of VA is a medical Dr. and is in favor of post birth abortion. More babies are euthanized every year than have as yet died from this fake pandemic. I don't see the mask wearers professing that.
More people die of car accidents each year than this pandemic and while many live close enough to ride a bike to work we still drive those deadly cars.
We consume alcohol.
We destroy our brains with other substances.
The prisoners they are releasing doubtfully care about social spacing. All the people that lost their businesses recently no longer care about these things either.
Our ancestors gave their lives for this place and we're throwing it away as completely as we can.
Lets love each other by getting back to our responsibilities, god, family, community, employers.
Lets forget this and fish.
Canoetripper wrote:
I have a place to stay in the Poconos and fish again. I don't want to advertise just yet. How can the hospitality industry stay in business if they can't rent rooms?

I will tough it out. McDonald's and Burger King drive through for a weekend fishing in the Poconos.

I just now need the water levels to drop .I think that I am going to fish muddler minnows again since I have enough of them.

I have stayed in many a dump of a motel room prior to canoe trips. If I drink enough beer, I can sleep my way through anything.

I think most folks have legitimate concerns when checking into a motel room or cabin as to who stayed there before them? Who used the bathrooms, bed, light switches, door handles, night stand? Was the room cleaned properly?

Some folks really don't care about all the above and think little of these things. While others realize that they can become infected and spread the disease to others with tragic results.

Is the trip so important and worth the risk when considering the health and well being of family and friends as well as any random person one may encounter?

Everyone deserves consideration.
It sure does. But I see both sides and it ain't pretty either way. Glad to fish though.
Baron wrote:

the mask wearers

Mask vs Non Mask is now a social statement apparently?
If you worked in a hospital that's been hit hard by the virus, have seen what it is doing to otherwise healthy individuals, how contagious it is coupled with the fact that it is mutating into even more contagious and deadlier versions of'd stay far, far away from people. Believe me, I've seen it. I work in it everyday at one of the hardest hit hospitals on the entire East Coast. No one is saying you can't go outside and enjoy outdoor activities, but please for the sake of your loved ones and total strangers that you could possibly infect and kill without even knowing you're a carrier, please don't take the decision of a simple fishing trip too lightly.
Canoetripper wrote:

I will tough it out. McDonald's and Burger King drive through for a weekend fishing in the Poconos.

I have stayed in many a dump of a motel room prior to canoe trips. If I drink enough beer, I can sleep my way through anything.

I like your line of thinking regarding fishing trips!
:-D :pint:
Yes indeed. Being responsible comes at a price to everyone. Including with regards to saving our country. There is no quick way out of this. I hate being in this dilemma.....I guess none of us want it. I did emergency snow removal for twenty years, up night after night for days. laying under stuck vehicles trying to dig them out in 40 Knott winds and zero degree weather. No one thanked me. Changing and repairing chains on tractors and shear pins on blowers with fingers so cold that they ached. The rest of the year I was a top tree climber including in the redwoods and no one thanked me.
Point is we really can't assign ourself hero status but we have to go on with normal stuff. Our enemies are. We had better git goin. We all need to do our part. Throwing our economy, industry, family under the bus will make will make us victims.
This pandemic is awful. I can see both sides. I wouldn't want to have to stay at a motel now. If I were not retired and needed to feed my family, i would want to go to work and would advocate for that.

I am glad that I can get out to fish. I am also glad that I can get out and have the turkeys make a fool of me as they do so often. I don't think I can get the virus from either activity.

Perhaps we all ought to review posts 8 and 9 on here. These are sensible posts that are not adversarial.
