Fishin' Sunday & Monday



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Who is heading where?

I am hopeful to fish with PaulG Sunday at a local tailwater (not sure which one yet?) And Moday, hoping to get out with my brother and other friends on my home water in York County.

Where y'all fishin' ?
I also live in York County. I'll be hitting the Susquehanna, every chance I get, with my fly rod. April and May it's trout for me, but now I love to catch smallmouth bass. I've caught almost everything that swims, fresh and salt, but the smallmouth bass is the most wonderful fish to catch. "the gamest fish that swims" "pound for pound more fight than any other fish" someone said that, but I don't know who.

For me, a six weight and a couple olive woolybuggers in the Susquehanna is about as close to Heaven as it gets!
Dr.Henshall[sp.?] who never caught a Jack Crevalle.
Now that I am retired I don't fish Weekends or Holidays.
I say thats because I want to be a good sport and leave it for the working people but its really because I hate crowds and if I see another fisherman,its crowded.Thats why I am and always have been an avid night fisherman,plus no wind.
I'm with you all the way on that one Pete. Though I'm not retired, I usually end up with weekdays off compared to weekends.
The down side is that it seems rare when I get to share time on the water with friends.
The night fishing is something I havent really mastered yet but have had some rather good success. I tend to spend alot of time letting my eyes get re-adjusted after the flashlight goes off.
i fished a tributary stream and caught 1 eight inch wild brown and then went and caught a few smallmouth
Given that the water is too warm in the Western PA streams that I fish and the limited time I had to fish, I fished Brady's Run, below the lake in the spill way area. Basically a large pond with some flowing water. Fished terrestrials and some dry flys and had fun catching some smallies and sun fish. Nothing great, but it got me out on the water for a few hours. Even got to enjoy a cigar :cool:

Got a late start today and everyone bailed so I went solo. Took your advice and moved to a tailwater since it was later in the day. It worked out better that way since I could do my "combat fishing" thing since no one was tagging along. I covered a lot of water with only one pattern and ambushed all the aggressive (or stupid) fish. All but 1 were brownies, some wild. Thought I might run into you there.... Took a lunch break and drank all the beer (I had some extras in case I ran into you).

Driving up along the Susky tempted me to stop and try for smallies, but I made the right call in going for trout. I agree with woolybugger about smallies being the best game fish for the fly rod, but the bass fishing just plain sucks in the lower Susky and its tribs. Unless they've schooled up somewhere and he found them all ;-) They've just plain disappeared from most of the water I've been fishing for the last decade or so.

Funny how, as the bass fishing has deteriorated over the years, I switched to using bass tactics for trout in the summer and I just hammer the trout - go figure. Haven't used anything lighter than 4x this year, usually 2x or 3x because of the big patterns I use and I do pretty good on some of the heavily pressured streams where most guys are fishing 7x. I just pretend they're smallies when they attack the fly, but they just don't fight that hard... the big creek chubs fight a little better than the trout, and I've been catching some really BIG chubs.... but they ain't smallies either. Hopefully the smallies will make a comeback.

I can think of a few "trout streams" out there that probably would be better off managed as smallmouth bass water. They should stop stocking trout over viable smallmouth populations in streams that are marginal for trout because of higher summertime temps. Better fishing with sustainable wild populations of fish that fight better than hatchery trout. Sounds like a winner to me, but I should probably shouldn't mention the streams I'm thinking of. Some of you guys would have a coronary if I suggested which ones ;-)

I wet waded a very popular spring-fed trout stream on saturday and couldn't believe how warm the water was. I saw tons of anglers out. They're all fishing light tippet and probably unknowingly killing most of the trout they catch by fighting them too long on the light tippet. No wonder they keep stocking the heck out of it. Would be a great smallie stream, but the local fly shops and guides probably wouldn't like that idea.

Paul, I can give you and Merle a heads up on where I found some willing fish, even if they were only brownies. Hopefully I can hook up and fish with you guys one of these days. It would be good seeing you guys again.

tim b.
Woolybugger I flyfished for bass and others for over 30 years until I got a PA lisence this year. I started getting bored with the basses, bluegills etc. Now I want to learn as much as possible about the trout. But I caught the most monsterous smalls this year accidently. or unwittingly is a better term. I also caught a 26" Northern. That was exciting. So I thought I might "specialize" in that and trout, but the bass kept getting in the way. Can you imagine how much more frustrating that would be going only for Northerns? Its like golf. One good tee off and you keep coming back.
AMEN TIMB, check out this post :lol: