Fishin' necklaces...err, lanyards.

Fredrick wrote:
I always thought that they were made for the people in this club



Yeah? I'm in.

Eh? What's this...?

She's literate too?

Jeez, brains, looks, and skills.. Clearly, they've got no need for the likes of me in this club.
jdaddy wrote:
This is one of the hottest rebuttals in the history of PAFF.

I once had an aquaintance who was into that whole cosplay nonsense. Y'know, dressing up as Japanimation characters and hanging out at dork conventions and, I dunno, doing whatever it is you do there. Look like a pink haired mystic warrior demonspawn, I guess?

Anyways, I'd make fun of him constantly, because while I'm an unrepentant dork, that's not my style of lame.

One day, Ben looks at me and says, "Let me tell you why... I'm in a hotel full of women, many of them hot, with no self esteem and wearing crazy outfits. All I have to do is ask them to help me with my makeup, and they'll fall all over me."

I got it. I understood. It made sense, and I almost wanted to dress up as Sailor Pikuball Z and prey on hot chicks with personality disorders.


So yeah, for every old mountain woman and tweed wearin' granny in DVWFFA, there's a daughter on grand daughter they'd like to introduce me to, and occasionally a hot chick who'll outfish me in a bikini on a salt flat.

They probably smell better than your average PAFF jammer, too. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure there's not enough bedazzled goodies on my fishin' necklace to appeal to them.
gfen wrote:
I once had an aquaintance who was into that whole cosplay nonsense. Y'know, dressing up as Japanimation characters and hanging out at dork conventions and, I dunno, doing whatever it is you do there. Look like a pink haired mystic warrior demonspawn, I guess?

Anyways, I'd make fun of him constantly, because while I'm an unrepentant dork, that's not my style of lame.

One day, Ben looks at me and says, "Let me tell you why... I'm in a hotel full of women, many of them hot, with no self esteem and wearing crazy outfits. All I have to do is ask them to help me with my makeup, and they'll fall all over me."

I got it. I understood. It made sense, and I almost wanted to dress up as Sailor Pikuball Z and prey on hot chicks with personality disorders.


So yeah, for every old mountain woman and tweed wearin' granny in DVWFFA, there's a daughter on grand daughter they'd like to introduce me to, and occasionally a hot chick who'll outfish me in a bikini on a salt flat.

They probably smell better than your average PAFF jammer, too. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure there's not enough bedazzled goodies on my fishin' necklace to appeal to them.

I vote this post as Post of the Year....friggin hilarious
jdaddy wrote:
This is one of the hottest rebuttals in the history of PAFF.

He deffinitely found the diamond in the rough on that website . :pint:

Gfen If working angle on someone's grandmom or dressing up like a Sailor Pikuball Z with your fancy necklace on helps you meet woman then go for it who am I to judge just make sure when you dress up to hide those calf muscles or at least expose them after they get to know you a bit so they are less inclined to run for the hills :lol:
Actually, evidently strapping on a dishpan to my waist lets me meet hot swinger wives on the shores of NJ, maybe they'll come beat a path to my door when I put the necklace on.

And, fwiw, my calves are about the only place I'm not fat... Pure, glorious muscle from hauling the rest of my fat around.. On the other hand, they're so pale they almost glow with an inner light.

You can admire my legs, hell, Maurice came up to me at WWI and said, "You must be gfen, I recognize those legs..."
gfen wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
This is one of the hottest rebuttals in the history of PAFF.

I once had an aquaintance who was into that whole cosplay nonsense. Y'know, dressing up as Japanimation characters and hanging out at dork conventions and, I dunno, doing whatever it is you do there. Look like a pink haired mystic warrior demonspawn, I guess?

Anyways, I'd make fun of him constantly, because while I'm an unrepentant dork, that's not my style of lame.

One day, Ben looks at me and says, "Let me tell you why... I'm in a hotel full of women, many of them hot, with no self esteem and wearing crazy outfits. All I have to do is ask them to help me with my makeup, and they'll fall all over me."

I got it. I understood. It made sense, and I almost wanted to dress up as Sailor Pikuball Z and prey on hot chicks with personality disorders.


So yeah, for every old mountain woman and tweed wearin' granny in DVWFFA, there's a daughter on grand daughter they'd like to introduce me to, and occasionally a hot chick who'll outfish me in a bikini on a salt flat.

They probably smell better than your average PAFF jammer, too. :)

Also, I'm pretty sure there's not enough bedazzled goodies on my fishin' necklace to appeal to them.

That makes sense, I always pictured you as a LARPer....
wsender wrote:
That makes sense, I always pictured you as a LARPer....

I'll roll dice all day long, and I'll gladly explain the advantages of the proper savings throw system versus whatever abortion WotC gave us, but sweet Christ on a crutch, don't you ever call me a LARP'r again.

They are the lowest. Even the cosplayers rank higher, and that's saying something.

I like it good job.

Joe e
jdaddy wrote:

I am, in fact, very happy. I am, however, not homersexual.
gfen wrote:

I'll roll dice all day long, and I'll gladly explain the advantages of the proper savings throw system versus whatever abortion WotC gave us, but sweet Christ on a crutch, don't you ever call me a LARP'r again.

They are the lowest. Even the cosplayers rank higher, and that's saying something.

My bad! LARPing is super lame, in all aspects. I used to live in Nashville and would drive past these idiots in a park beating each other up with giant foam 'swords'. I thought maybe they were some high school kids jerking around. Nope, they were grown men, LARPing.....

But I have to give props to anyone who is as avid of an Apple fan as I am.
Fredrick wrote:

What Is LARPing? - Watch more Funny Videos

Dude, not nearly lame enough.

Let me find you the ultimate LARP video...

That, my friends, is some serious LARP action. Hoo-boy!
Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt!
Oh how I love YouTube. They actually have video of these guys LARPing in downtown Nashville.
