Fished the Little Lehigh today



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
In the Heritage section and apparently there is a severe shortage of dumb fish.

I’m leaving Thursday for Ohio to do my Mother-in-Law's taxes and a couple of small chores.

I was feeling bummed out, (not over going to Mom’s. She’s a great lady and I’ll do anything for her), but because this meant that I would miss my Saturday fishing time, (we’ll be driving back on Saturday).
Thought about it for a while and decided that today (Wed) would be a great day to take some of my vacation hours.
Shot an email to Dan, telling him of my plan and it must have taken him all of 10 minutes to write back and say he was ready to go too!
We laid plans at lunch time to fish either the Dyberry, which is up in our neck of the woods, or head to the Little Lehigh. We decided that there would be less of a crowd during the week on the LL and targeted that body of water for today.

We met at our usual spot to carpool down to the Little Lehigh and began the drive down the turnpike to Allentown. A little over 90 minutes later, we pulled into the parking area at the Heritage section and began to gear up. Quite a few cars in the lot, and I was hoping it was a lot of runners and/or walkers. Must have been mostly that way, because the stream had people on it but not what I feared based on the number of cars.
We meandered up-stream to the “Kiddie-Pool” and fished below a couple of gentlemen who were taking some nice trout out of the upper portion as Dan and I watched.
We started fishing tandem nymphs through the pool, watching trout swimming back and forth, not acting “spooky” at all. I watched several times as my line and leader floated over fish that had moved up as my cast soared over the water and they never flinched.
After some time passed, I hooked into and landed the fish in the picture attached. It took a small BWO that I was using as an indicator and actually took it after it had been pulled under a little. (Makes me wonder if I inadvertently imitated an emerger?) Had a nice little fight with that fish. (Dan tells me I only catch fish when he is re-tying or otherwise adjusting tackle. I think he should spend more time practicing knots then!) Turned couple more fish, foul-hooked one somehow, and missed one on a dry. Also experienced the frustration of watching fish rise to my fly and turn away without taking a couple of times.

Dan got a couple of nice fish, turned a few and generally had the same experience I did fishing today. As he said, we did not get skunked!

We were hoping for a hatch of some kind today, but did not see more than the occasional bug on the water. We left around 1 or 1:30, so I don’t know if the breeze died down and something stirred later? I hope so for those that were still fishing as we left.

At least I had my fishing fix for the week and it sure beat sitting at work, day-dreaming about being able to get out on the water. Hope I can manage to get out again before the Newbie Jam. So much water, So little time!

It sounds like a great time and you caught fish. Best of all you were not at work!
Dave - You do realize it's dangerous to drive all the way back from Ohio without taking a break?

For safety's sake, I think you should stop about halfway back - the Bellefonte exit on 80 should be just about right.

While you're there, you might as well relax a bit, and since your gear is probably in the truck, why not wet a line in a nice Central PA limestoner?

Joy will appreciate your concern for her safety and well being.

Gimme a call if you manage to convince her, and I'll direct you to a nice restful place, and a good restaurant for dinner afterwards. ;-)

I got a good laugh out of this one, but I'll let Joy deal with the response.

In the meantime, here's a pic of Granpa's future fishing buddy.


Heritage-Angler wrote:
Dave - You do realize it's dangerous to drive all the way back from Ohio without taking a break?

For safety's sake, I think you should stop about halfway back - the Bellefonte exit on 80 should be just about right.

While you're there, you might as well relax a bit, and since your gear is probably in the truck, why not wet a line in a nice Central PA limestoner?

Joy will appreciate your concern for her safety and well being.

Gimme a call if you manage to convince her, and I'll direct you to a nice restful place, and a good restaurant for dinner afterwards. ;-)

Forgot to down-size the photo!



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Hi Dave

I fished for brookies today and the only way they would take a dry was to give it a little action either pulling it under or skittering it across the current.

I almost had a double fishing a dry dropper. One brookie took the midge dropper(pumpkinhead) just as another was about to take the dry(Royal Wulff) but the one on the dropper pulled the dry away from him.

I also caught my biggest wild brook trout on a fly, about 12". They're usually about 7-8" where I fish. Small but lots of fun on a 2 or 3 weight rod.

Hi Dave,
You did pretty good yesterday. I was there today and there were not many fish caught. I saw 2 guys each catch 1 fish. I caught a little brown below the bridge and a big (16") sucker in the fast water below the walking bridge.
The LL is were I started to fly fish and everyone told me if you can catch fish there you can catch them anywhere. So you should be proud of your fishing skills to catch fish on the LL.
Dave (djs12354),

I like your attitude. :)
Unfortunately, Dave and I were not thinking of my safety and well-being, and instead thinking of gas prices, leaving the truck at home! I don't know if he tucked his fishing gear in the trunk of the car or my various bags and girl-gear left no room.

So we have to go with the back-up hobby of playing with our newest grandson. Till next weekend when Dave & friends are at the fly-fishing "clinic."

Hi Cathy,

Sounds like you had a pretty good day on the water. Were you fishing the Dyberry? It's on the fishing places to go agenda. We even talked about going there on Wednesday, but decided mid-week would be a good time to go to the Little Lehigh (less crowded)

I'm still too excited about a single to even think of how a double might feel!

Did Tom (the gentleman that I passed the gear to) get in touch with you yet? He had asked for your email so that he could thank you fro the gear. He was very happy to receive it and has promised to "pass it forward" once he settles into purchasing his own gear.

When we head for the Dyberry, I'll give you a shout and maybe we can meet up on the stream.


CathyG wrote:
Hi Dave

I fished for brookies today and the only way they would take a dry was to give it a little action either pulling it under or skittering it across the current.

I almost had a double fishing a dry dropper. One brookie took the midge dropper(pumpkinhead) just as another was about to take the dry(Royal Wulff) but the one on the dropper pulled the dry away from him.

I also caught my biggest wild brook trout on a fly, about 12". They're usually about 7-8" where I fish. Small but lots of fun on a 2 or 3 weight rod.

HI Bill

I was happy with the day. How was the crowd yesterday?

I guess I have been lucky with my fishing so far. I got to be on the Little Lehigh during a hatch and guess closely enough as to what they were to match what I chose to tie on the tippet and catch fish. They weren't even bothered much by my sloppy casting!
Pride doesn't come easy to me, I know I have a tremendous amount to learn and am slowly building my knowledge base.
Thanks to all the friends, Dan for getting me started, Ed for getting me casting better, George for cheering me on to my first fish on the fly (oooh, oooh) and all the people here on the PAFF forum who have been so encouraging and impart so much information to newbies like me.


whheff wrote:
Hi Dave,
You did pretty good yesterday. I was there today and there were not many fish caught. I saw 2 guys each catch 1 fish. I caught a little brown below the bridge and a big (16") sucker in the fast water below the walking bridge.
The LL is were I started to fly fish and everyone told me if you can catch fish there you can catch them anywhere. So you should be proud of your fishing skills to catch fish on the LL.
There's a feature called PM.
Greenweenie1 wrote:
There's a feature called PM.

and just like your former SN "Greenweenie" you still have nothing good to say.
The guy is new to this forum and if he wants to have one-on-one personal discussions that don't necesarily pertain to the OT I am pointing out there is a PM feature. I use it all the time, as do countless others.

And your problem with that is?

conformation to multiple SN's . . . . . . CHECK!

djs12354 wrote:
Unfortunately, Dave and I were not thinking of my safety and well-being, and instead thinking of gas prices, leaving the truck at home! I don't know if he tucked his fishing gear in the trunk of the car or my various bags and girl-gear left no room.

So we have to go with the back-up hobby of playing with our newest grandson. Till next weekend when Dave & friends are at the fly-fishing "clinic."


I am so.................busted. :lol:
Multiple sn, yes. If you read a prior post in a previous thread i said the site refused to recognize my home pc and would not let me log in as GW so i created GW1, which I said was GW. If I wanted multiple screen names I could have chosen something different or pretended than GW1 was a cheap, poor imitation wannabe of GW but I didn't, I said it was GW so you really outted me this time.
He is either the original poster or a friend, why does that require a pm. I probably know 100 people on the board, are you telling me I should pm them instead of posting, who made you the cops?