Fishable CFS for Spring Creek Axemann Gauge?

Looks like the landowner does own a very small section of the West Bank.
yes the public ground extends about 200 yards downstream from the bridge and then becomes private. Landowner has both sides posted starting at the bridge
yes the public ground extends about 200 yards downstream from the bridge and then becomes private. Landowner has both sides posted starting at the bridge
I can see why the PFBC chooses not to fight the 200 yards given the amount of public access on the stream but it still does t make it right.
To get back to the OP's original question, my baseline for wading Spring creek is 225 at the Axemann station. Any more than that, I have to be very careful but 200 and under is perfect. I will add that I am an old fart who doesn't wade like he used to.