Fish Count

Farmer Dave no you must break the line as stated by moon or you are a bush league illegal fisherman.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

Farmer Dave no you must break the line as stated by moon or you are a bush league illegal fisherman.

Sorry, I just deleted my previous after reading moon's follow-up to that.

On the very rare occasion where I have foul hooked a regular stream trout, I have landed it as quickly as I can. If the knot lets go in the process, oh well. Sounds like moon is doing the same.

If it is a steelhead, I may deliberately break it off if I see it would be unlikely to land quickly.
DaveS wrote
Now that being said, if I'm out fishing with Krayfish, for instance, and I snag one of his beers, it absolutely counts.

DaveS has a running count of snagged beers from my cooler but I think I've snagged more from his cooler.

Afishanado wrote:
Snag one of his beers?!.....I got skunked last time out with K-fish

Tom, I think that beer was offered while I was fetal in the back of the boat....but I could be wrong as I was asleep. LOL

Fish counts usually fall into three categories...
A couple
Killed it


I'm sure everyone if they foul hooked a 25 inch trout would break the line off.