Fish Count



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I have seen posts where somebody will write: "I fished ____ creek and caught 4 browns on a parachute Adams." How many of you would count a foul hooked trout in that number or do foul hooked trout not count as a caught and landed trout?
I have a separate category on my spreadsheet for snagged fish.

I don't count them. When I foul hook a fish I point my rod tip at the fish and strip line in. I usually break them off.
Uh, oh.

To Moderators: You might want to watch this one closely.
moon1284 wrote:
I don't count them.

Me neither.

This mostly happens, at least for me, when fishing nymphs for trout. It's common (this includes a good number of suckers too).

I rarely get a foul hooked bass although it happens a bit more with sunfish.

When fishing streamers, I occasionally get fish hooked outside the mouth, but near it. It seems apparent that the fish was striking but the hook set awkwardly in their face.

Foul hook or fair catch?

(Personally, I do not catch enough fish to not count this.)
I usually don't count fish foul hooked or not I catch them release them the try for the next one
I don't count snagged fish. I generally don't count fair caught one's either.

Now that being said, if I'm out fishing with Krayfish, for instance, and I snag one of his beers, it absolutely counts.
DaveS wrote:
I don't count snagged fish. I generally don't count fair caught one's either.

Now that being said, if I'm out fishing with Krayfish, for instance, and I snag one of his beers, it absolutely counts.

Snag one of his beers?!.....I got skunked last time out with K-fish :-(



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I would only count or keep track of fish caught on a certain fly as opposed to another fly. More to see what is working best. If I snag a fish, it would not help me to count it as caught on the certain fly. So I would not count it.

What if you have a articulated streamer one hook is in the mouth another outside the mouth. If its 21 inches you count it if its 14 you don't.
We may have to establish a rule book for this... I say a snagged fish counts as a 1/2 point. :)


If its in the tail or dorsal and you land it's 3/4 point
Lasso them trout!

They don't count BUT I will throw out one thing that happens to me a good bit throughout the year. Sometimes you think you have a fish snagged and your first or second nymph got wrapped during the hook up or initial run process and after a few turns it will come unraveled and the gratification comes back that you actually fooled the fish.

I've learned to not immediately give up on a fish that appears snagged.

But I'm like DaveS, I have a hard time keeping track of normal caught fish. On the way home I'll try and put a number together but I'v lost interest in keeping track. Its not like I catch a lot anyways.

I like when you foul hook a 24 inch carp when stripping streamers.
My brother foul hooked (pectoral fin) a 3.5 foot Sandbar Shark on a fish finder rig with bait while fishing the beach last weekend. Not sure how that happens.

I'll ask him if he "counted" it.
Are you involved in a contest?

The question of what counts and what does not count has meaning in the context of a competition.

But if you are not involved in a competition, it doesn't have any meaning.

I'm with those that don't count them. Also I typically lose count of caught fish after 4 or 5 if I'm having a good day.

I always remember how many I caught when it's a big fat ZERO. Haha
I count them as a trout caught regardless. I never do it deliberately so I figure I was just lucky........sorta. (I'd perfer to never foul hook)
Stopped counting 30 years ago. I have a buddy who is all about count. Heck, I'm just happy to get out on the water. Had a friend back in college (late 70s)!who carried a golf score counter on his vest. Pity he never seemed to use it on the golf course. He was a 1 over par when he had no clue what par was.