First Wild Brown

I just found out that Spring creek in Harrisburg has wild brown trout in it a couple weeks ago. I went last weekend and only ended up with fallfish but I went back out today for a little while and finally hooked up with this tiny beauty. I know it’s not much to most of you but I got way more excited than an adult man should have after catching this 6 inch fish. 😂 There’s something about catching what you targeting that is really rewarding. I was also very happy to finally see a wild trout in real life. It got me feeling a little spiritual. Living in the city can be pretty wearing on a soul and there is something really pure and right about interacting with nature. These little guy might not be from around here but it’s great to see them thriving.
I am so glad to hear you so innocently and unashamedly taking sanctuary from the world of man in your pursuit of wild brown trout with a fly. That spiritual connection when holding something in your hands that doesn't conform to our control and is truly wild will take you places, beautiful places, mentally, spiritually and physically. Congratulations on your catch. Enjoy. I hope that it becomes as much a blessing on your life as it has mine.
Congratulations on your first wild brownie!! I’m sure there will be many more.