First underwater photo with new camera



Feb 26, 2009
Picked up a new camera for my camera arsenal. The new Nikon 1 AW1, the worlds first interchangeable lens underwater drop proof freeze proof camera. So far they only offer two lenses, but plan to release more. It's really the perfect camera for what many of us do, especially if you want to take your picture taking to the next level above a point and shoot. I shot this today, first try, and a little post processing.

I'm looking for a better composition for future shots, but I think it's an okay start, clearly the camera can do what I need it to do.

My biggest struggle with my previous underwater point and shoot was the lack of easy ability to 'split' the water. I'm after half landscape half water/fish shots. The new wide angle lens capability will make the difference! Can't wait until spring!

Great picture man. I love those half/half shots too, they can be tough. I usually try to shoot a few on burst then take some on video with my gopro and pull the stills, but then quality suffers. That camera is definitely gona get the job done for you. So how did you convince mr. brown to sit nice and still for you? ;)
Heberly, yer blowing the margins man!
Wasn't it a little cold to be dunking your head in the water to snap some pics?
Very Nice! I love shooting underwater shots of fish