First Ties



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Fly-Fishing just a year now and just started tying thanks to encouragement from Dan (Moonbeam) who started me down this path, Ed (Heritage Angler) and Dan (the Delta Dog) who influenced my receipt of a fly-tying kit.

I've sat in at A&G Outfitters, where Adam is patiently teaching some beginners, and today had some time to try my hand alone.

I decided to try Moonbeam's version of the infamous Green Weenie. It's tied on an Allen 3769 size 10 hook, weighted with lead wire and a Hot Orange, 4 mm, brass bead. Body is Orvis Med. Charteuse chenille.

So, just how bad does it look and will it fool a stockie?


  • GreenW1.JPG
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That'll hunt.

You've come a long way, my friend. :)
Heritage-Angler wrote:
That'll hunt.

You've come a long way, my friend. :)

Long way left to go........

Thanks for being a guide along the way!
Nice Dave! You were due for a new obsession eh....Looks fishable to me...
um...I think that may be a jig according to some here. :-o
Maurice wrote:
um...I think that may be a jig according to some here. :-o

I can't imagine djs12354 dancing...although he may be Irish.
nice fly, gonna have to steal it!

if you can find the time, and a group, i tie once a week with a group. and they have taught me a bunch of stuff, also youtube is a great help tons of vids on tons of flies! i just tied my first double hook articulated fly, not from any certian pattern other than the double hook articulated rigging. it came out looking like a perch or maybe even a red bellied garder snake. cant wiat for my local hole to slow it's flow down, word is the big toothy guys swim up from the rivers. but it's still flowing 4-6 times it's "normal" flow...
Volksnurse wrote:
Maurice wrote:
um...I think that may be a jig according to some here. :-o

I can't imagine djs12354 dancing...although he may be Irish.

Actually, it would be a Tarantella for me.....Hi-talian, capsice? ;-)
Nice egg-sucking weenie.
Youtube, books, magazines. Tie flies. Repeat. The only way to get better at tying flies is by tying flies or learning about doing so. That fly is significantly better than some of my first.
It will work you continue to practice a couple of things to focus on. Try to get your chenille wraps tighter or closer to one another. Tie the tag end of chenille down a little better behind the head and snip the thread closer.

The tail on this weenie looks like two pieces? Like you either cut the loop or tied it with two pieces of chenille somehow. Never seen that. Standard green weenie is one continuious piece of chenille.

Just keep tying and focusing on the basics of thread management, materials placement, proportion, etc. You will improve and I think enjoy the added aspect of catching fish on your own ties.
Congrats on your new hobby. Be careful you may end up tying before work and on your lunch breaks. That will catch fish. It is fun to save all of these photos then look back and see how far you came. :)