First snakehead on the fly



Jan 18, 2017
Left work early Tuesday to go do some carp fishing - I’ve been loving targeting the “alternative” fly-rod species lately, now that it has been consistently warm and have been targeting carp a lot this year - it has been a blast.

Welp, when I was out, I had a good shot at a snakehead I saw cruising around and chasing bait aroundI’ve been wanting to catch one of these weird things since seeing the hook shots episode on them and seeing all of Fredrick’s adventures chasing them.

I’ve seen several where I was fishing on different trips (and some large ones too) but never could get one interested. This time was different! First cast, he followed my fly on the drop but no take. Second shot I stripped fast instead of letting it drop and WHAM the thing slammed it. Very fun- I even let out one of the classic fishing laughs when you can hardly believe what just happened.

The change of pace from mainly trout fishing all last year has been really nice and I’ve learned a lot just by getting out of my comfort zone, exploring new water, and using different techniques / setups / and tying different types of flies.

From the New Years resolutions post earlier this year, it was one of my goals this year to focus on different species and switch things up. So far I’ve been sticking to it and plan to keep trying new locations and targeting different fish.

I always have issues attaching pics, so the link below will take you to a pic of it on my Instagram.

Photo - instagram