First Fish on Dry Fly EVER (video)



Feb 8, 2014
I caught my first dry fly fish ever this past weekend on Kettle Creek. I was originally using an olive bugger but noticed when I was fishing this one pool for about 10 minutes there were a couple of risers. I'm pretty new to fly fishing so I didn't really know what hatch was going on.

I tied on a elk hair caddis and didn't get any strikes for about 10 minutes. I then tied on a size 16 BWO. About 4 or so casts in a nice rainbow about 11 or 12 inches smacked it. Felt awesome to get my first dry fly catch on video.

Here is the link:
Nice job.
Congrats, you never forget your first.

Thats whats up right there man. Good work by you.
thanks fellas appreciate it! im itching to get out again but i have finals all week :/
Awesome. I caught my first fish on a dry today as well. A 12" Brown on an Elk Hair Caddis on West Valley Creek. Didn't see anything rising but there was a lot of bug action tonight. Slid in the water behind a nice pool that holds fish and he nailed it almost as soon as it hit the water.


nice man that looks like a real nice fish there. i fish west valley a decent amount its a nice little creek. cheers to the first on a dry fly!
Congrats to both!
Wow nice hook set! Good job.
nice job and cool video, you never forgot your first fish on a dry. i got finals all this week too, so needless to say I'm itching to get out too.
haha thanks guys appreciate the encouragement
Congratulations to both of you. Not much beats seeing that rise and hearing that immediate "ssssssip" sound when you set the hook.
Amen, X2. Ya never forget the first one.
Nice catch! Like I tell my newbie nephews, "Dry fly fishing is nature's video game".