first fish on a fly!



New member
May 10, 2014
folks, I'm not bragging...just thrilled! this evening, I caught my first fish on a fly...a small rainbow on a dry fly (March Brown?).

this was a LOOOONG time coming! When I was about 17 years old, I vowed I would SOMEDAY learn how to do this. (I'm 51 years old now).

lots more to learn, but...I'm in the game!
Congrats... the first of many. The first is typically the hardest... but always one of the most memorable.
Congrats .... def cool that ur 1st was on a dry. Keep @ it and keep up the enthusiasm.
Wow, congrats to you. You never forget your first. Also welcome to the forum.

Welcome. Congrats on your first on a fly. This is such a great sport, as your confidence gains you will catch many more. There is always much to learn. Keep an open mind. Nice job!
Congratulations. Hopefully it's the first of many.

I'll second what Dc said, there's always something to learn.
thanks for all the support!

it IS a special sport!
Congrats! First of many more to come.......
Everyone else is right; you never forget your first!! Be careful, now you have the fever ;)
Awesome - be sure to document all of your "firsts" even if it's here on PAFlyfish.
thanks again to all!

I went out the next day and missed a nice fish, but it was fun trying.