First Deer Hair Mouse



Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
Here is my first deer hair mouse, done just now. I can't wait to try it. I can only tie for two hours then I need a beer or shot of whiskey, too much concentration.

I tied 8 flies this afternoon. I quit. That's my limit.

I had a Hot Pocket instead, and washed it down with a Pepsi. Hope I don't get explosive Hot Pocket induced diarhea.


  • First Deer Hair Mouse.JPG
    First Deer Hair Mouse.JPG
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That looks very nice. If I was a trout or bass I would eat that mouse.
looks good id add a weed gaurd
Nice fly! I second the weed guard.

I usually tie 6 flies then take a break. My back starts hurting. The only way I could tie professionaly is if I got $20 a fly. :)

Looks good. I would add a weed guard if it's for bass, but wouldn't bother if you're throwing it in your trout box.
I just watched Jim today! lol love his quiet style.

Not that I am a professional or anything but the deer hair mouse that I have in my box uses a brown leather tail, seems like it is a lot more flexible and sways in the water pretty good. don't know what yours is exactly.
Looks like ultra chenille. I hadn't thought to use that, but will be giving it a try. Good idea, jake.
It is ultra chenille, I have the ultra chenille micro too.

I have the same problem with my back starting to hurt after an hour or two. Except for today, I set up shop on the couch and coffee table. Real comfy. Now I got a helluva mess to clean up.

P.S. I knew that skit was coming when I posted about the hot pocket.