First Carp!



Dec 9, 2012
I've been thinking about catching carp on the fly for a while now, and had tied up a few carp flies just so I was ready. Well this evening I had a couple hours. I started off at a local creek for smallmouth or sunnies, but it was too high and dirty, so i decided I'd try a spot I knew there were some carp at.

This guy was tailing in the shallow water right by the shore, so I snuck up on him, and tossed my fly a couple feet away from him, let it sink, then stripped it in to where he could see it. I was confident that he'd ignore it (didn't even bring a net), but he swam up to it and took it! Fought him for about 10 minutes, but it would have taken a lot less time if I had brought a net.

I was using my 6 weight, and I'm glad I didn't hook into a larger fish - I'm not sure I could've landed one much larger than this! Lots of fun though. I'll definitely be doing it again.


Awesome job! Don't worry about your 6 wt being able to handle bigger fish. All my Carpin this year has been done with my 6 wt and so far I picked up 7 fish over 20lbs.
Congrats! Welcome to the club ;-)

I agree with delta_dog, I used a 6wt all of last year carpin' and did fine. This year though I've been using an 8wt and that really helped out as I was fishing during some higher flows and the fish took me into strong current, but the 6wt will do. Just gotta know how to fight 'em(side pressure, etc.).
Awesome job, Jeremy! Carp can be very challenging at times to entice them to take a fly. Sounds like you played your cards right on that guy. I'm sure you can handle even bigger ones on your 6 wt. if you take your time with them. I caught one early in the season that was 27 inches on my 5 wt without a net. Congratulations on your first one! I'm sure there will be many more.
I had one on the other night on my 5 wt for 30 minures. I couldn't get him to come off the bottom of the stream. When I finally thought he was getting tired I went towards him to lift his head and net him , he made another run and popped me off was thinking if I had a heavier rod I could of landed him sooner. I was using 3x tippet. Going back next time with my 8wt. I would try a 6wt but I don't own one. It sure is fun though. Congrats on the carp.
Yea I was using 3x too. I think in the future I'll try to go to at least 2x if I'm not using a net.
Try pointing your rod tip more towards the fish and fight from the butt end of your rod