First Aid Kits



Jun 4, 2014
It just dawned on me after this weekends fishing trip that I should probably carry some sort of first aid kit in my pack just to be prepared. I fish a lot of streams in remote locations like state forests and gamelands. Just this past weekend, I hiked 11 miles in 2 day.

How many of you guys carry some sort of first aid kit with you?

What do you guys keep in said kit? Im working on putting together a list of just the essential items needed for a day trip.


Good conversation and have been updating my kit with new band-aids last month. It is often the same ziplock bag I take with me when I go hiking and such. It is more of a survival kit. Still looking for a good container for this stuff, but haven't found much that has suited me. This is always in the truck or thrown in my fly fishing back pack if I go treking up stream.

Band aids
Gauze pad
Alcohol swabs
Short pencil with medical tape wrapped around it
Safety pin
Emergency blanket
Water proof matches
Pocket knife

benedryl, aspirin
A couple bandaids, a relpax pill for migraines and sometimes chap stick.
A couple of feet of old fly line, antiseptic and bandaids for hook removal.
My wife made me one a few years back.

It has everything in it from first aid supplies, to warm-packs, to basic survival gear.

She put everything in a travel cosmetics case and I keep it in the truck.

I have Band-Aids, slings, splint, gauze, lighter, hand warmers, waterproof strike anywhere matches, ferro rod, paracord, a knife, toe nail clippers, spare fishing supplies, space blanket, and a water purifying straw.

The case is about 8" X 6" X 2 and sits under the back seat.
A whistle and or a lighter best things you can carry.

Advil and some cord to lash stuff. Maybe a compass if I was somewhere foreign to me. I'd ditch the rest. Rather carry a hoagie
Don't carry one on the stream with me. I've always had a kit in the car. If I'm ever injured on the stream and need something hopefully I can walk to the car and patch myself up.
A glow stick wouldn't be a bad idea. I usually carry about 1/4 of a roll of toilet paper in a ziplock in my pack just in case. Nothing worse then swamp #censor# while out on a stream on a hot day.
I have two that I carry…one small one for fishing day trips and one for overnight backpacking trips.

In the smaller one I have Advil, Zyrtec, a few wet wipe singles for woods poopin’, band aids, a lighter, and a basic fire starting kit (matches, fire stick, Vaseline soaked cotton balls, and some fatwood shavings). I carry this in a large Altoid tin size container in my fishing pack. It’s always with me while fishing, as is my compass, multitool, pocket size flashlight, and an EDC type pocket knife – Kershaw One Ton.

In the larger one I keep larger quantities of the above plus some gauze/antiseptic wipes, larger band aids, and a small bit of duct tape and paracord. This is in a heavy waterproof pouch type of container…similar to what you’d put your cell phone or electronics in.
PocketWater wrote:
I usually carry about 1/4 of a roll of toilet paper in a ziplock in my pack just in case. Nothing worse then swamp #censor# while out on a stream on a hot day.

Try some wet wipe type singles…They take up a lot less room than even a partial roll of TP, and since they’re individually wrapped you don’t need to worry about getting them wet.

Tucks Singles are the Cadillac IMO. Expensive - $5ish for 20, and not for every day use, but small convenient packaging for a fishing or hiking kit. And sure beats the heck out of dry TP.
Thanks for the info guys.

I currently carry -

- TP in a ziplock bag
- LED headlamp and spare battery
- Multi tool
- Pocket knife
- Bic lighter

I need to put together some actual first aid stuff now.
Swattie87 wrote:
PocketWater wrote:
I usually carry about 1/4 of a roll of toilet paper in a ziplock in my pack just in case. Nothing worse then swamp #censor# while out on a stream on a hot day.

Try some wet wipe type singles…They take up a lot less room than even a partial roll of TP, and since they’re individually wrapped you don’t need to worry about getting them wet.

Tucks Singles are the Cadillac IMO. Expensive - $5ish for 20, and not for every day use, but small convenient packaging for a fishing or hiking kit. And sure beats the heck out of dry TP.

That's a good call for sure. Will add it to my list.
Well, I hope I am not being too much of downer, but carrying aspirin in the event of having a heart attack or stroke might not be a bad idea.

Chewing an aspirin at the onset of a heart attack or stroke could help reduce the severity if taken as soon as symptoms begin.
Large bandanna is good to have because it can be used as a splint, sling, or to wrap a large open wound. Along with others things.
I don't think anyone mentioned a QuikClot sponge. They can save a life when heavy bleeding is involved. You just have to replace them every few years due to shelf life. Some type of saline or other eyewash is good to have. Both these items are very small and light.
Thanks for all the info and suggestions.

I purchased one of these as it was easier/cheaper than piecing something together -

What I added to the prefab'd kit...

- butterfly bandages
- Benedryl
- Ibuprofen
- hand sanitizer
- handkerchief
- superglue

Along with the current stuff I carry which is..

- TP in a ziplock bag
- LED headlamp and spare battery
- Multi tool
- Pocket knife
- Bic lighter

I feel like its a pretty good selection of items and should cover any minor issue I run into.
I have one that I double as my hunting first aid kit. It has alot of stuff in it. Bandages of all sizes and shapes, thermometer, antiseptic, advil, medical tape, small scissors, tweezers, saline for eyes, mini snake bite kit, basic fire starting stuff, paracord, sometimes water purifier. And it all fits into a small first aid bag smaller than a football.
If you want to get pre-packaged kits, you might want to consider ifaks from either or