fire away



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College

The letter, signed by all ten Fish and Boat Commissioners, informed the clubs running trout nurseries that two of the three staff support positions would be cut beginning July 1. This would drastically reduce the Cooperative Nursery Unit services available to respond to emergency calls or fish health issues.

To keep the technicians' positions, the letter states, "Approximately $200,000 is needed. Soliciting funds is only a temporary measure and full funding will be restored once the legislature approves a license increase.

"We ask that you consider donating to the Cooperative Nursery Unit and Executive Director John Arway has pledged that the Commission will match every dollar to reach the $200,000." The letter requests that the clubs convey their intentions by June 11.

Read more here:
If the dimwits in Harrisburg ok a license increase this all magically goes away...
The dimwits will not okay the PFBC's request for a license increase because they are tying it to a much-opposed increase for the PGC.

So even though the PFBC needs and deserves an increase, it is not going to happen.
There should be a state wide referendum on taxes from Hunting and fishing to be redirected to the state commissions. Or, cut pay to legislators, staff and offices.
1 more idea, Divide the state into smaller states like they are tring to do California. Harrisburg does not listen to the small rural counties anyway.
Anything the State Legislature tries to operate is a sh*t show...... Boating , hunting and fishing should be ONE agency..... The "State Store" should be abolished and privatized.( we don't need to pay good money to stock shelves and give winos change...) Another cesspool of waste is the Turnpike Authority and Penn Dot ain't far behind......
Fish & Boat is not stocking many trout in the streams to begin with so pass on the money to local clubs and let them stock. Besides most of the fish that Fish & Boat stock are at bridges for easy access to freezers due to their 'put and take' campaign that they fostered over the years.

This is a huge issue, especially as someone who helps with a coop nursery. These guys are extremely professional and do a great job. If you are concerned about stocking now, imagine what happens when there is no assistance for the coops and either less fish make it to be stocked or potentially sick fish get stocked due to fewer health checks - gill lice come to mind. And add warmwater and steelhead to the mix and you can see the potential effect on anglers all across the state.
Maybe they should use some of the "slush fund" 51 million since we're only talking about 200k. My gripe is this week it's the co-op techs.
What will we have to fund next week?

The 51 million is in reserve for major infrastructure issues/emergencies. Its a fiscally smart concept and should only be used in such instances, unless there is a way to pay back into the reserve. I'd like to see them take $1.5 M of it to fund work at FEW on the Lehigh but may not be the smartest move unless there is a way to recoup the money.