


New member
Jun 2, 2011
After months of failure, I finally caught a trout. In fact, I caught two
Wild Browns on a CDC Caddis that I tied myself. One was 12" the other was 8". Got them on the West Branch of the Perkiomen in Berks County. I am so damn happy!!! Many thanks to all the experieced anglers on this forum that take the time to help us newbies.
That's flippin' awesome!!! Good for you! Now it get's easier.... not really but congrats!
Snag has the perseverence! Outstanding! Nicely done!
Thanks guys....Soon as the Ol' Lady gets home we are going out to celebrate!!!!
.....and she just got home.
Congrats! Must have been and exciting time! Especially catching them on flies you tied yourself.

Looking forward to my first catch. Maybe this weekend will be my turn.
Well done Snag! Glad to hear it.
Congrats dude, and on your own flies, that's great!
Thats too cool. The very same stream I caught my first on a dry and I caught two as well.
The kicker? I also tied the fly (a March Brown) and it was the last fly I tied. Right about 32 years ago.
Way to hang in there! Good job.
Catching trout on your own tied flies,way to go. Double good treat. Lots more to come.
Wait till you do it on your own tied dry flies. Even better.Did that over 40 years back,still sticks in my mind .GG
Wait till you do it on your own tied dry flies. Even better.Did that over 40 years back,still sticks in my mind .GG
That's because Artless hasn't caught anything since.
Congrats snag!!
pete41 wrote:
Wait till you do it on your own tied dry flies. Even better.Did that over 40 years back,still sticks in my mind .GG
That's because Artless hasn't caught anything since.

Do colds count?
LOL :lol: ;-) GG
Pete ,I'll drink a beer for that one. Artful
Congrats Snag. You just created a memory that will Cary for the rest of your lifetime.
Snag your reaction was priceless, you even had me excited. I hope you and the Mrs. celebrated well. Boy do I love your enthusiasm! You're hooked dude! My first trout on my own fly was a stockie in French Creek, you my man fooled wild babies.
Snag, Congratulations! I'm glad you persevered through the failures. It's all about learning. A year ago, I was unsuccessful my first several times out until I ran into a nice guy on the Tully who showed me a few things that helped me immensely. I have also learned from a few others here on the board, and made a few friends as well. But I must warn you; this can become an obsession, as it has become with me.
Great Job!