Finally got my "slam" this morning before work



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
I set my alarm but woke up late. I was hoping the stream was not chocolate milk as it was when I came home from work yesterday. I got the stream and checked a spot above to see what it looked like. It was up considerably, but it was green. Perfect for how I like to fish that stream.

I went to the hole I wanted to fish and knew it was going to be a great day. Or so I thought anyway. Well I made my first drift and missed a nice fish. I put it back out and caught on one my anchor soft hackle. I let him go, a nice healthy rainbow about 12". I was pretty pumped and just knew these were perfect conditions. I went a head and hit the main feeding lie again. Had a nice take and set the hook. Felt big but it threw the hook. When it did this it put me up into a sumac tree above me.

There are some big boulders at this spot so I climbed up. I only had one anchor fly left and I wasn't about to lose it with the stream being up. So I climbed up the rock and started to pull the tree down slowly to reach my flies. I had to reach way out to get them. SNAP!! The branch breaks and I go falling about 4' onto another boulder below. Smashed my hand. REALLY! But I got my anchor fly back so I was happy.

The very next cast I end up losing that fly. LOL!

So I was pretty optimistic about the rest of my time on the water as the stream was up pretty good, and all I had were size 16 and 14 nymphs. I only use tungsten beads so it wasn't the end of the world. I made a few adjustments to my rig, and moved down stream a little bit to get the drift I would need, now that my flies weighed considerably less.

Then something awesome happened. I had my bow in the bag. I caught a few more bows, then I caught a stocked brookie. Cool I thought. Maybe Ill catch all 3. So I kept fishing. I decided to hit the edges as a lot of times when the stream is up fish will hang there. Also when the stream gets stocked I feel pushes wild fish out of the main feeding lies.

I'm making a drift and think I am going to get hung up so I lift and feel a little tap. I give a light hook set and pulled in a native brookie. NICE!!! It is a bonus on that stream as there isn't a high population of native brookies. Fish had beautiful par marks but considerably lighter colored compared to what I am used to catching.

I hit another run and set the hook. I see a gold flash. NO WAY! lol I didn't see him before, but knew instantly I had on a goldy. I brought him in and he was quite pretty. Deep red cheeks, nice thick stripe. NICE!! I enjoy catching these guys as I know a lot of guys try for them.

Well now I had the rainbow, the brookie, and now the golden. Only one more and my favorite. The brown. I had a 10 minute warning alarm set on my phone so I had a warning before I had to leave. I moved to a pool where I know I typically find a few browns.

I hit the back side shallows and get a take. I set the hook and see about a 5" brown on my line. This was about 5-6 minutes after the warning allarm went off. I am bringing him in and go to get him in the net and he flops off. NO!!!!!

I knew I only had a couple minutes so I hit that same run. Nothing. Hit is again, Nothing. DANG!

I made my next cast and the buzzer rang. I got a take. Set the hook and see a nice butter belly. I bring him in carefully and land him. A nice wild brown! I love the wilds on this stream. Sparse spots, and just solid little fish.

I did it. Finally got the PA Slam and with the brookie being native, and the brown being wild, boy did it make it sweet. I am on cloud 9 right now. It was chilly and 57 degrees out side with the water temps in the low to mid 60's this morning. Of course I didn't take a hoody with me, and got sun burned this weekend. Made for a quick dash to the car after landing the brownie. I had caught a few other stockies in between the fish mentioned above. One being a big old pellet head bow around 18".

Just goes to show when the conditions are right you gotta fish. I don't care if it is only 45 minutes like I had this morning. Hit that water!!

All fish were caught on soft hackle nymphs. The majority were on a merriams turkey tail, coyote, and grouse pattern (size 16) (I put a step by step on that pattern in the fly tying forum) , and a few took the eastern turkey tail, squirrel, and grouse.

Just an outstanding morning before work trip that I almost didn't make. Ill remember these fish and this adventure for a long time. Always neat to accomplish something new, and with beautiful fish it always makes it sweeter.
Sounds like a great morning! You're fortunate that the "SNAP" wasn't the tip of your fly rod when you launched off of the boulder while retrieving your fly. The fishing gods smiled on you this morning.
DC It was close. LOL they were for sure my rod was laying just to the left of were my arm smacked the rock. Hey I could have snapped the rod and rolled in the creek too. But lucked out. LOL
Nice going, Mike. Glad you weren't hurt in the fall.