Fiberglass Fans



Active member
Jun 17, 2009
Has anyone cast the Redington Butter Stick? I am a fan of the slower action Rod. Well to be honest I love fly rods. I have a preference for different speed rods at different times. I have never owned a decent glass rod. Does anyone have an opinion on this new glass rod.

You can have a rod made by the actual Redingtons in America, versus one made by a corporation that bought their name in some facility offshore.

Depending on the model, it will be anywhere from $60 less to $100 more.
What gfen said
The South Fork Rod Company makes great, no frill rods. Cameron from the Fiberglass Manifesto sent me one of their 3wts to use when I go to the Smokies next week (.....? Not lookin' good!). I didn't like it when I first casted the rod in the yard. It was actually "TOO SLOW" for me! (quiet Biker!). I got it on the water this past Saturday though, and absolutely fell in love with the rod. I highly recommend the SFRC.
REC hardware, Hopkins and Holloways guides, and flor grade handles do not equate "no frills."

These are all top rated components.

The Classic rods are Lamiglas sourced blanks, the black ones are inhouse produced by Margot Redington, herself.

"No frills" are built to appeal to a price point, like a mass produced Asian import rod.
That's a no-frills response
I'm talkin' more in the design itself. Very clean, simple design (at least the one Cameron sent me. The one he sent is a black, unsanded blank). I don't equate "no-frills" with the quality of the components.