FFO sections



Well-known member
Oct 1, 2019
Central Pa
I’m curious as to what other people think concerning designating creek sections for fly fishing only. Personally, I don’t see the need for those sections. After all, fly fishermen can fish most anywhere they want. Why designate areas where the spin guys and gals aren’t allowed to fish?
I am in favor of FFO areas. A few near me really played a role in getting me into the activity. If you have areas that are open to all kinds of fishing the spin fishing and especially bait fishing can really reduce the quality of the fish. They get beat up a lot quicker and likely die sooner too. I have seen areas open to all tackle, standard regs. that once held some real nice 20 plus inchers get wasted by just a couple people with bait. I am talking wild fish.
I like them. I would not want all of any stream to be FF-only. People should have a choice to fish how they want.

I live in State College. The paradise FF only is great. The no wading area makes a quick fishing trip possible - no “gear up/off” time.
Some landowners want it to be fly fishing only. The land owners control whether their stretches are open to the public or not. So it's best to keep them happy.

Also, many of these stretches are short, and very popular. Flyfishers can fish without moving very much, whether nymph, wet or dry fly fishing.

When fishing lures, that just doesn't work. Fish or either attracted to strike, or they are spooked by the flashy lure. Once you've run the lure through there once or twice, that area is done. So to be successful you have to keep moving, covering a lot of water, presenting the lure to as many fish as possible. The best spin fishermen fish miles per day.

And that is just incompatible with a stretch of stream with lots of flyfishers.
Just a little history:

Originally all the special regulations areas in PA were fly fishing only.

The artificials only regulations began much later.
I'm in favor of the few FF only sections we have left.
Nice to fish where people can't be plopping thru with big gobs of worms and power bait.
Or giant lures that could be used in the ocean.
As was already mentioned, it really spooks the fish for quite a while
I would be in favor of the same mileage of quality streams to be designated as "NO FLYFISHNG."
Also, many of these stretches are short, and very popular. Flyfishers can fish without moving very much, whether nymph, wet or dry fly fishing.
I think that parking yourself on a honey hole is rude whether done by bait fisherman or by fly anglers. (Mostly it seems to be done by nymph fishers and bait fishers.) It's not even conducive to good fishing. Take a few casts and let the next person have a shot. (The only exception that I can think of might be on the Yellow Breeches at white fly time.)

Downstream wet fly anglers will typically will take a cast and then a step. Keep moving.
I can fish wherever I want with fly tackle and have coexisted with spin guys on non-Fly Fishing Only sections for decades so call me a non-fan of any more.

With the exception a few famous sections, I avoid the ones closest to me like the plague because in the last 20 years the crowds never seem to subside or as in the case of Clarks Creek, they are NOT conducive to fly fishing at all and should be reverted to some other regulation.

In addition, a general increase in bad behavior everywhere means I have experienced more than my share of a$$#0les on Fly Fishing Only Sections. If the belief is creating more will somehow miraculously create "ignorant fishing behavior" safe spaces...

I don't buy it...
Some landowners want it to be fly fishing only. The land owners control whether their stretches are open to the public or not. So it's best to keep them happy.

Also, many of these stretches are short, and very popular. Flyfishers can fish without moving very much, whether nymph, wet or dry fly fishing.

When fishing lures, that just doesn't work. Fish or either attracted to strike, or they are spooked by the flashy lure. Once you've run the lure through there once or twice, that area is done. So to be successful you have to keep moving, covering a lot of water, presenting the lure to as many fish as possible. The best spin fishermen fish miles per day.

And that is just incompatible with a stretch of stream with lots of flyfishers.
* This
There has not been a new fly fishing only section created in a long time.

Many of the old ones were converted to artificials only.

Some of the fly fishing only areas that remain are that way because the choice is:
1) fly fishing only
2) posted, no fishing
I like them because they're normally open all year and limit harvest.

There is no harvest on "Fly Fishing Only" sections, that was changed awhile back.

There USED to be a Delayed Harvest Fly Fishing Only" but that designation was eliminated and the "Delayed Harvest Artificials Only" special regulation was created.

Initially harvest of six fish was permitted in Fly Fishing Only sections with the exception of the old "Fish For Fun" destination reserved for a specific few FFO waters. where one "trophy" fish @ 15+" was permitted.

Later that was tweaked and they created the "Limestone Springs Wild Trout" designation for specific limestone stream sections where there was no harvest and other FFO's went to a 3 fish limit.