FEWalter ACE Meeting



Well-known member
Sep 30, 2014
Lehigh Gorge
I missed the MTG this week any body attend and care to give a recap?

The ACOE came out and said they want to do the same plan as last year (this would be the 4th run of the current iteration) and asked if anyone had any questions. Pretty much everyone in the room (WW and FF crowed all were in agreement to keep things status quo) The big decision was that the current plan will be locked in for the next three years. So no annual meeting again until 2020. Given that the plan is as good as it can get given the annual anticipated storage level of 1370, I see this as a good thing. (no worries about messing it up)

There was some discussion in the room about moving around some WW releases or amounts, but Daryl (PAFB Biologist) stated do whatever you want with the WW allocation side, but there can be no affects to the conservation releases.
A few anglers were advocating for lower releases (200-250 cfs) to provide better wading conditions directly below FEW. Typically, these conditions do occur during the lake filling process. Lots of rain limited the number of days where these releases were available. I recall 2 or 3 years ago during a very dry spring, the release was 200 cfs from March to May. People have short memories.

Otherwise as Smike said, it will be the status quo. To take this fishery to the next level and make it tremendously better, a Feasibility Study needs to be funded and a co-sponsor needs to be identified. Upon completion, the necessary operational and structural changes can be funded and implemented with congressional authorization.
Thanks, I love to go to these meetings and get info first hand but I was out of town due to work responsibilities and could not make it.

Its good to know that it wont get messed up. (thank you SMike).

Is there a plan, or group, or anything under way to seek out a sponsor(s) for the FS. As I understand the process, Congress will cover 50% and the balance comes from private interests.

I may be, and probably am, in error; but, I seem to recall hearing the current estimate for the FS is $6MM total.
The LCFA is working with Congressman Dent's office to get the federal funding into the Army Corps budget. The process has changed over the last few years. However, I'm happy to report that the Congressman sent a letter requesting the funding be appropriated for the Study. Hopefully that solves half the problem, but still need to follow up and make sure the money will be there.

Total Cost of the Study is approx. $3MM Need to find the Co-Sponsor now.

If you never been to a meeting they are nice to attend. The Stakeholders actually have constructive conversations and work through the issues. Very productive, IMO. Next one will be 2020.
I have been at the past ones and yes they are very interesting and nice to attend.

My bad--- I thought the $3MM was the cosponsor share. ie 50%