Fender Deer Hair Emerger

A drop of glue? Probably would not effect it much. I mean we put drops of glue on the heads of our flies all the time.
Not enough to sink the fly. Maybe on a 20 or below i can see possible issues
Whoever ties one of these remember we want to see it. ;-)
Here are the first two I did. They are sulphur emergers. I painted the glue dot on the first one, I don't really like it. I might change my mind if it produces on the water though. It floated pretty well. I added more ha I r to the second one.


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Try puffy paint for an indicator dot in the center of it. (the stuff you get at michael's to paint on t-shirts).

George taught us about using it at the Bean tying class. I put drops of it on my black foam beetles.
Looking good Shane.
Nice fly becker. thanks for posting that link.

Explain the point of this, please?
It requires some sort of electronic device to make.
It seems far more fiddly than simply making a post.
You can always clip a post, but you can't add one ot this thing.
Hair cracks and breaks off.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
You do not need an electronic device. You could use any glue and it would work. Just sets faster. I have no idea what the point is, other then to catch fish. Just something different to try. Some people like deer hair things better then hackle such it is cheaper. I have hair flies in my box and never had any of them get brittle. Saw the pattern and shared it that is all.
gfen wrote:

Explain the point of this, please?
It is entertaining to watch.