Since I haven't been around in a while I'll weigh in and drop my 2 cents on the issue.
I see nothing wrong with TU asking the manufacturers to come up with newer, better products that will help reduce the spread of our fisheries. While right now, cost on the few options available are prohibitive, I think ultimately, it's the right thing to do. Hopefully the price comes down on them. In time I think it will, but in the mean time, we should all do what is within our means and budget. We spend a lot of time on the streams, we're all concerned about man made pollution, we should be concerned with micro organisms as well. Preservation of our streams seems to rank higly with all of us, so I'll do my part and go from there.
With all of that said, studded felt is by far the most traction I've had on a pair of boots. Recently, I replaced my old boots with a new set of studded aquastealth boots and at first was a bit unsure as to what to expect from the grip. After 4 days of hiking through streams I got my answers. Do they provide as much traction as studded felt? Not quite, but I never lost my footing either. I will get used to them, I'm confident in that.
Perhaps another option for those that want to try the aquastealth is to get current boot's felt replaced when they're worn out. I did a google search and found at least one shop that will do it. I'm unsure of price, but it may be worth looking into.
To each their own, but I for one, like the direction some of the manufacturers are going. It's going to push for newer more green technology in equipment.