Fayette County Zoning Board Hearing on Proposed Yough Mine

  • Thread starter YoughRiverGuide
  • Start date


May 21, 2007
Some of you may recall that a few years ago Amerikohl was petitioning the Zoning Board for a mining permit within 500' feet of the Yough River below Ohiopyle. The Board ultimately denied the permit, and they based that denial in large part on the the public view, conveyed through comments at the hearing, of the overall value of the watershed.

That permit ruling is being appealed, and the Board is having a new hearing tomorrow. I am posting this to encourage anyone who values this river to attend and speak on its behalf. Public sentiment was the reason they denied the permit last time, and your voice could help sway the decision of the board tomorrow.


Ernie Pribanic

Wed, November 7, 10:00am
Holiday Inn, Uniontown, 700 W. Main Street (Rt. 40)
This is the final day of hearings for the proposed Curry Mine (adjacent to Ohiopyle, the Great Allegheny Passage, and the Yough River). On this date you'll have an opportunity to share your thoughts about this proposal with the Fayette County Zoning Hearing Board.
Anyone make it to this? Any info? Had to work.

Thanks for posting Ernie.