Favorite Stonefly Nymphs



Jan 15, 2011
I am taking a vacation day on wednesday to fish the yough with my brother(final fishing trip before he moves to state college this weekdend for his freshmen year). I was in the area 2 weeks ago hiking with my girlfriend and noticed quite a few stone fly husks on rocks in the river. Thought I might employ some of my scouting knowledge on wednesday and fish some stoneflies. What sizes are popular, and what is a moderately easy/effective pattern to tie? I am thinking size 6-10 and with rubber legs.

Im a big fan of the two tone variagated Chenille with the Flex Floss or rubber legs. Easy to tye and deadly. I tye them on a 3x or 4x long streamer hook and weigth them with .30 or .25 lead and put a slight bend into them after tying about a 1/3 of the way from the eye. I also color the top back Dark brown with a magic marker. sizes 6,8,10.
Black and Coffee/Olive and Brown/Orange and Brown. are the three colors of the variagated two tone chenille I use. I dont like a bead on these I just add shot if needed.

Senyos wiggle stone size 14 in peacock or light brown. Fluoro colors also work well for steelhead in size 6 or 8
there has been a size 10-12 yellow stone hatching, could be same fly;


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I was eyeing this one up the other night, thought it looked pretty sweet. Unfortunately, thats like a 10+ min tie.

Sandfly, is that one tied with glass beads?

Drone stone is my go too pattern, but it is a 10 minute tie, because of the weaving. When I peaked into the flybox of George Daniel he had a large section devoted to the variegated chenile one. I have been meaning to pick some of it up.
alright, I tied up some dronestones last night. I was surprised at how simple it is to weave those bodies. I have read from several accounts on how frustrating and difficult it is to weave the bodies etc, but after two flies, I was running through them. I can see how having multiple bobbins would be really nice. I tied with a dark gold underbody and brown top, does anyone have some dynamite color combos they dont mind sharing? Finally, should I add rubberlegs or just leave the woven body with a dubbed collar?
I use brown over yellow and I feel the rubber legs are a must.
Alright, here are a couple with and without rubber legs that I tied. I did a light brown with a light yellow, a black and gold, aand then a darker brown with a darker gold underbody. All are size 6-8


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They look really good. I will always prefer the ones with legs. Movement=attraction
I typically dont use rubberlegs for trout. No clue why, I have always gone the traditional route using hackle, dubbing etc. I have done really well with rubber legs on the erie tribs. Any preference for legs? I have a bunch of crazy sili-legs, but i have had much better success with round rubber legs. I ordered a ton last night, because all I have right now are the barred white and black. Final question for you, how long do you leave the legs? I have seen guys leave their rubber legs super long--that chenille stonefly for example. I figured I would leave them that long and then snip them down streamside if I had to.
I like to match the natives, its not as hard as it looks.
hook- #10 4x long
lots of lead
body-black and hare
wingcase-sally hansen/tail feather
legs-natural emu
Quick tie and all the fish eat it.


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Here's a better view


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have you ever had a fish come up from behind and refuse taking because the porky is to stiff...I prefer the biots or spanflex or porky guard hairs which look good but give.
I fish these deep so I don't see the take, which is usually aggressive but I use the thinner quills which have give to them, especially with side pressure. I've taken fish as small as 6 inches and some significantly larger , so they may be taking from the side. I have quite a few with broken bits from the bigger boys so maybe their mouths are stiffer than the quills. They all eat them.