Favorite fly

Yellow Stimulator, Atomic BHPT, Golden Retriever.
I'm so done qualifying answers to questions like this.
EHC. Yeah yeah. Nymphs blah blah blah. My favorite fly is still the EHC.
Dry: Comparadun various colors/sizes that match what's coming off
Terrestrial: Quick sight beetle
Nymph: Brassie
Streamer: Olive bugger with some flash
I'll vary size, parachute (or no), or hackle setup but it's usually it's an Adams - especially when I have no idea what bugs are coming off. #2 will usually be a BWO of some size or sort unless I'm on Pine or Little Pine in the spring, when I'll use a Slate Drake first. If I see anything yellow flying, I'll use a Light Cahill - the best feature for that one is I can actually see it in almost all conditions.
I can't recall the last time I used a wet fly or annelid (as my boys like call worm imitations). Nothing under water is what I would call a favorite - necessity maybe.
My ACTUAL favorite flies are 2X2's. I love tying them and fishing with them.

Dry Fly: Baltz para nymph
Nymph: Guides choice hares ear.
Baltz ties the Para nymph with the parachute hackle concave up so the fly sits lower in the water as opposed to a traditional parachute tied concave down. He likes hares ear for the body and ties it with a Anthon shuck. Another tier uses chocolate brown dubbing on his parachute floating nymph
Mine has always been a split tail adams with a hen hackle and cut to ride flush in the film - size 16.
Split Wing CDC dries with varying threads for the body.
Micro Quill Body Perdigons with tinsel thoraxes
Any Spider pattern.
Favorite to me implies the one I tie on the most often when not hatch matching.

For me that is either a Flashback Bead Head Gold Ribbed Hares Ear or a Bead Head Prince Nymph.

On the surface it's a tan Elk Wing Caddis. or a foam beetle.
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Its a toss up for me depending on the species but the strikes that you get on a slumpbuster are hard to beat. Warmwater its the gurgler for the same reason. Love the strikes! Can't get that with a PT
My favorite fly is the Maurice, designed by Matt Boyer.
Originally brown, I tye it in all colors,wet , and I also do a dry version.

If forced to choose a nymph, it would probably be a prince, because you can fish it like a wet.
My favorite fly is the Maurice, designed by Matt Boyer.
Originally brown, I tye it in all colors,wet , and I also do a dry version.

If forced to choose a nymph, it would probably be a prince, because you can fish it like a wet.
I know that Matt is famous for his streamers - is this also a streamer pattern?

My favorite is the Elk Hair Caddis. Caught more fish in more places with it than any other fly. I do have a soft spot in my heart for the Sulphur. It is the first fly I was able to "match the hatch" with lo those many years ago - on Fishing Creek near Benton.
adams, chucks caddis variant, partridge and orange wet fly.
Toss up between the clouser minnow and beadhead pheasant tail nymph. I probably end up fishing one or the other almost every time I’m out and have more success with them than any other flies.
BH Sexy Walts Worm. I can tie em in seconds, and they just catch fish. So I don't care how many i bust off in the bushes or on bottom.
The last three years mine has been a Euro fly, a Red Dart. I've caught some big trout on it, trout on a wild trout stream and even caught a 30" steelhead on it. I use it both Euro nymphing and regular nymphing with a strike indicator.
I know that Matt is famous for his streamers - is this also a streamer pattern?

Yes, def works as a streamer and a weamer in large sizes.
I do tye it in a size 6 as a streamer