favorite fishing waters

My favorite is the next one. Don't care what I am fishing for, where or how as long as I am fishing.
Clarks, Yellow Breeches (in places other than where it's absolutely crowded), CV Limestoners. But I'm quickly becoming fond of the State College streams, but it takes about 1.5-2 hours to reach them.
Well, my favorite type of outing is a small, woodsy, freestone brookie stream. There's many of them, and the best are the one's I haven't fished yet!

On bigger streams that I'm willing to name. Penns. It still has that woodsy feeling like a small stream does. But it has it all. Bigger water, bigger fish, hatches, technical fishing, wild fish. The LJR in the gorge is in this category as well.
Clark's, Letort, Spring, and as Paul said, FPC. Swatty if I want to walk to the creek or drink beer in my buddy's yard.

PaulG..........How r You doin , i almost forgot about Clarks , been out west here so long and haven't fished there in 10 years. The way i'd want to respond to this question though is that any , no matter how small or large , a peice of water that catches my eye , usually while driving either myself or as a passenger , and then to return later to further my investigation , for me half the fun is the scouting/discovery part. So.......my answer is any new water that looks like it might have potential and then finding out that it does.
Anybody have favorites within an hour of Lancaster city ? I do not mind hiking or blazing a trail at all. And I have the GPS guide but it shows everything under the sun and some of the marked locations are someones backyard with no water in sight. Looking for any help in this area... Feel free to PM me if you do not wish to post openly.
Also willing to meet someone for tips and fishing need all the help I can get.


Anytime you would like to come East and fish where the good fishing is. I've been feeling pretty good lately, so come on over and we will do some fishin, maybe if I stay healthy I'll be able to use some of those flies you sent me. I have an extra bedroom so you can stay here.

i will make it out to Clarks at least one more time. Man i loved fishing down in there. Thanks for the offer bud , god bless ya.
I seem to like the same spots everyone else does. For me, it's a non secretive TN tailwater. I've spent countless time and hours finding a replacement. There are a few go to quiet spots when #1 is blown out, but I like ole' reliable.

In the spring/fall for steelies, it's upstate NY SR.

In PA, I'm a rookie still, but when I am/was there LL, Tully, YB, D come to mind. Anywhere I can wet a line and have a chance at a trout is my favorite.
