Favorite Bobbin or (Bobbin Holder)



Jan 11, 2011
So as I was packing up my fly tying corner of the basement yesterday (moving to a new house), I was struck by the absurd number of bobbins that I actually own. Basically, I counted 19 of them. The problem is I only regularly use two or three of them.

The ones I use most tend to have ceramic inserts at both openings. I have seen the full ceramic models from Tiemco but have never felt like dropping 25 dollars on one.

Couple of questions then: What is your favorite bobbin model? Those of you who do use the Tiemco-- is it worth it?

tiemco bobbin holders since the 1980's and never had a problem

they weren't $25 in the 80's but I'd still buy them @ todays price

for me its definitely worth the money

I realized I need more bobbins. I really only have two ceramic and one that is just metal. A buddy of mine is selling his Marc Petijean TT bobbin for $40. I am having a hard time parting with $40 for a bobbin though.
I like the old style S&M bobbins. It fits well in my palm and gives me good thread control.
+1 s&M. simple. works. $5.
SBecker wrote:
$40 for a bobbin though.

Don't. It's a gimmick that likes to fray and break thread. Mine was overpriced at distributor direct pricing.
gfen wrote:
Mine was overpriced at distributor direct pricing.

Waiting patiently for you to sell this to me. I'll give you what you paid for it, plus I'll buy lunch.

I ain't gettin' any younger here. ;-)
Tiemco bobbins are by far my favorite. I have a rite bobbin and I bought the Petitjean bobbin at the somerset expo. I agree that the MP bobbin is GARBAGE. The dubbing loop feature is worthless in my opinion and the quick spool or whatever it's called feature does break and fray thread. I thought there was something wrong with it when I first bought it, maybe there was a burr or something in the tip so I emailed the company 3 times and never even got a response from them. The rite bobbin isn't bad it's smooth and the adjustable tension is nice I just don't like how it feels in my hand. I do use the rite bobbin sometimes but I have 2 TMC bobbins that get used more than anything else.
D, wanna sell the Rite bobbin?
The Rite bobbin I want to keep at least until something better comes along. I like the idea of adjustable tension. It does have its uses. When I use GSP thread or really fine threads like spiderweb it is the best bobbin to use. They really aren't that expensive anymore. About $22 for the standard or shorty. I think I paid more for the last TMC bobbin I bought.
I've never bought a high end bobbin. Been tempted to but I really don't have any problems with thecheap ones with the ceramic insert that I buy from j Stockard. I believe they're from their "just simply tools" line. I have a bunch of them so I can keep several different threads spooled up, and I get them for like $5 a piece, sometimes cheaper when they're running a sale. I'm hoping to go to the fly fishing show this year, so maybe I'll try out a nicer one if a vendor has them for cheap.
Get the adjustable tension with smooth as silk ceramic if you can afford one. If not, you can tension with a finger (like palming the reel) and avoid breakage by being sensitive with your feel of the wrap. In the rare situation when you do break the line, quickly stop the unraveling and restart your thread over top the break and continue.
I've used the cheapest kit metal bobbins up to the Tiemcos and everything in between. Honestly I don't recall ever having a bad one. Now I use the Nor Vise bobbin because it works best with my Nor Vise and once I got used to the automatic feature it was hard to go back. I use it with all my vises. Its just my opinion, but I think the adjustable tension and ceramic inserts solve a problem most folks don't have. On the other hand, its a tool you use on every fly and hold all the time, so spending a bit more to get something you like is money well spent.
Thanks for generating the topic, and years ago, I only had a few bobbins that were the Cabela's specials (meaning low=priced!)...and they worked fine.

I tie a lot of different flies, and was constantly changing threads, thus wanted to begin purchasing a new bobbin or two every year so I would have all of my major threads spooled, and I always bought a ceramic-tubed bobbin.

There are some lower-priced models that have worked fine for me, and I like them. My "go-to" bobbin is a Stonfo Elite disc drag version, which I love. There are three sizes, a standard, a saltwater (i.e. larger), and a small. I prefer the standard size and have a handful of these now.

Is the disc drag necessary for trout patterns? No. Is it nice when I go to saltwater and some warmwater patterns? Absolutely.

There is also only one arm on this, which I really like. There is a rest to place your finger, and I hold mine in a way in which I utilize that.

The biggest downside is that there is a disc drag, and it is a bit of a pain when changing spools (because it takes about 30 more seconds to change than a normal one). Not a deal breaker in my book, but definitely a consideration.

These topics always revolve around price, and the Stonfo is around $20. Buying one every year or asking for it as a gift is the way I go, and I SHOULD have enough to spool all of my thread by 2052...unless I buy some new thread before then. ;-)

Here's a link for the bobbin: Stonfo

I have several Griffin bobbins with the ceramic insert. They are the only bobbins I have ever used. Never had a problem. Good quality and reasonable price. I would stay away from ANY bobbin without at least a ceramic insert.
Cheapos for me. Ceramic Terra bobbins come in under 5 bucks a piece. They don't break or fray the thread and that's all I desire out of a bobbin.
Shane I will sell you my Rite Bobbin. Stop by my table at Somerset.
I've used nothing but the Tiemco ceramic bobbins for the last several years. I started tying with some "el cheapos" but soon learned that better tools were needed. My father recommended the Tiemcos to me and I purchased one. Theu work wonderfully for me and see no need for change.
Nor-Vise automatic bobbin for me. Kind of takes some getting used to at first but works very well.
I have the Rite Bobbin Half Hitch and it works awesome. Probably getting another one at the show.