Famous waters you haven't fished close to your home



Mar 7, 2013
No excuses or reasons, just haven't gotten a round tuit. For me it would be Penns Creek, and Pine. How about you?
Big Fishing Creek for me. I also have noticed i will often find myself fishing less famous waters or not fishing the most well known sections of those famous waters. For example I Have fished Valley dozens of times but have yet to fish it in the historic park. And once sulphurs die down you won't see me on Spring Creek the rest of the year- I'll probably be on Slab Cabin or any of a number of other small streams in the general area. I've actually driven past BFC a couple times to fish a smaller, far less pressured creek that is further away from state college.

I will say that most famous streams live up to the hype on their best days and if a major hatch is on, I'll be there with everyone else. It's the only time I'll put up with the crowds.
I wish I lived close to a famous trout stream!
I always wanted to fish the open section of Spruce Creek but always ended up at the Little J instead.
Well, obviously, famous and close to home are relative. However, I've been lucky to fish many well known waters around the state and Mid Atlantic.

Two on my bucket list are the Lehigh River and the Allegheny River. However, neither are what I'd consider close to home. To me, close means doable in a half day or evening trip - say under about forty miles.
Spruce Creek for me.

But why drive an hour when I live in wild trout meca.?.?
The Letort. 10 minute drive from the house!
Wow great question. I'm not sure how famous this stream is and it is close by me would be the antietam never fished it.
Not close but I really feel that I have failed in never fishing BFC.
I just hit BFC and Spring yesterday for the first time this year. I will be lucky if I fish Spring Creek more than 6x per year, and I literally live three miles away. Same goes for Penns, Spruce, and Little J. I love the little, lesser known limestone spring creeks and mountain streams in my area more. I fish over less pressured trout with solitude to match. I don't get too wrapped up on the history and/or press of a stream. Usually the more press a stream receives, the more I avoid it.
Define 'close to home.'

I've fished pretty much everything 'famous' that's within an hour's drive. If beyond that, is it really close to home?

On the fringe of that demarcation, I've yet to fish Falling Springs. Kinda hard to make the drive when the Letort and Big Spring are so much closer, and if I'm making a drive of that length, I'd rather head north and make the slightly longer drive to waters with more variety than I have here, like Penns, BFC, LJ....I've been to Spring Creek once to check it out, rod stayed in the car and I kept on going that day, ended up on the Little J instead...

Oh, and I've also never fished Clark's Creek. Have driven by it countless times over the last 20yrs, just never fished it...yet.
Does it still count if you never caught fish in it?
MKern wrote:
Spruce Creek for me.

But why drive an hour when I live in wild trout meca.?.?

I know! When I moved to Lewistown last year I figured I'd be fishing spring creek and penns creek relatively frequently, but that long drive hardly seems worth it when I have kish, honey, and tea creek all within 15 minutes of me. Plus there's usually less of a crowd on the local streams. I've been up to spring creek like 3 or 4 times since moving here, and penns only once. I was meaning to fish the little Juniata, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Penns and all of the Cumberland Valley limestoners. And Valley, although that's more infamous than famous :)
I have fished both, but haven't given BFC and LJR their fair shake, even when I lived in State College.
If they are close, and you haven't fished them, ummmm, go fish them.

What am I missing here? :)
I've got the famous ones near home out of the way a long time ago and now seldom fish them.
I am with chaz on this for better or for worse.
yellow creek in bedford county.