Fallfish vs creek chub

^Yep. I've actually used creek chubs for pike before and they work.

Here's a creek chub I caught today....

And the fish in Sandfly's thread is a good example of a striped shiner in spawning colors. Also got a couple of those today.


Thanks for posting up those links. That is very good information. I definitely picked up some solid ID features on those minnow and shiner species. However, there is still some crossover of things that makes it a bit confusing to be sure all of the time. Thanks again.
No problem. It definitely can get confusing sometimes, especially once you start adding other species of minnows such as spotfin shiners, stonerollers, emeralds, different dace(which are usually tiny), etc. Even though they're not "gamefish" I still like learning about them.
Thanks streamer guy. Those links were really helpful. I think I'll just admit that I don't know all my minnows. Lol. But I think I can generally tell the difference between a chub, a shiner, and a fall fish at this point. Also that one link answered another question I had about horns heads on the minnows I catch.
If you are not sure, just call them baitfish. Problem solved.