Fall Catskill JAM.....the final chapter 10/4-10/6



Active member
May 26, 2011
It looks like this will be the last JAM I organize. The preliminary window looks to be somewhere between September 18 and October 13. I'm open to hearing feedback or suggestions. Would like to get it on the books by early August.

As usual, Delaware (and branches), Beaverkill, Willowemoc, Neversink or other rivers will be fished. Will the fishing be awesome? I can't answer that until the last day of the trip. Lots of variables up there but we will find fish.

Hatches- slate drakes, olives, peach fly, hebe, October caddis.

Fishing will be done by wading and / or floating. Nymphing, dries and even streamers fish well at that time of the year. You can get some browns strapping on the feedbag prior to the spawn.

Usual location..... The Capra. Food, drink, fish stories and hopefully..... Big Frank.

We will also organize a raffle with the money being donated to FUDR. If you are interested, sound off. If you want to help with supplying stuff for the raffle, send me a PM. I've funded it the last couple of years and don't know if I can swing it this year.
I'm in. Obliviously. I'll do something towards the raffle. For Gods sake, Kray don't sell anything on Craigslist!
FWIW last fall, I think was maybe the best fishing I'd had up there. - gunfire aside.
I'm in for the final chaptet, depending on the date.

I'll look to bring something to donate.

What the heck is a "peach fly?"
I think it's a member of the Cahill family or theHendrickson family. They are #14-16. I say that with hesitation because pcray will correct me, give Latin name, common names anglers use for the fly, etc, etc.
Yea I have that reservation at WBA burning a hole in my pocket. Pick a gosh darn date! I could donate a few fly lines or something. Maybe I can get a bunch of hand tied leaders donated from Chris Fave Fly fishing. I will check on it.
I should be able to make for at least a day hopefully a few...
I've never been to any of the Catskill Jams. I was just watching the video of the last one and it sure looked like way to much fun. How many days is this? Just the weekend? Is there a decided date??
SBecker wrote:
Yea I have that reservation at WBA burning a hole in my pocket. Pick a gosh darn date! I could donate a few fly lines or something. Maybe I can get a bunch of hand tied leaders donated from Chris Fave Fly fishing. I will check on it.

How is their water there? I think it is 2 miles of stream frontage. Is that private water or can the public fish there? I saw rooms starting at 59/night, but is that for the teeniest of rooms? Any info appreciated, thanks.
Beast - the WBA water is mighty fine. When I stay there I often ffish only there. Floaters and waders can fish there, and awhile ago you could pay them a fee for parking and daily access. The basic rate is for lodging at The Lodge, aka The White House (it's remodeled and no longer white). The cabins are pretty plush, and great if you have several staying.

lestrout wrote:
Beast - the WBA water is mighty fine. When I stay there I often ffish only there. Floaters and waders can fish there, and awhile ago you could pay them a fee for parking and daily access. The basic rate is for lodging at The Lodge, aka The White House (it's remodeled and no longer white). The cabins are pretty plush, and great if you have several staying.


thanks for the info Les, I see the Capra has very good reviews on trip advisor, but I need water access primarily, which WBA has, not sure if Capra does.

Is WBA fly fishing only, anyone know? I may bring a spinner chucker, don't worry I'll have them crimp barbs and cut down to at least two hooks, haha.
I just saw an image of part of their river access(an aerial image on their website) I have no idea what cfs this was at, but that section looks pretty flat, anyone know what it looks like in June with lower flows and if it will be too hot around mid July if we get little rain after this upcoming heat wave?
WBA is a fine place to stay. One thing, it's in NY State and you will need to purchase a NY license to fish the River there.

There is no access when staying at the Capra, but you can drive up or down and find access points all along the West Branch. Same true for the Mainstem, but it may be too warm for trout fishing, depending on the weather and dam releases.

The Delaware River is a very varied (lol) river. It's often not really a good idea to park and pound it. Things may be different around each bend and stretch of the river because of flow, temp, bugs, weeds, fish.... It's is often best to go up there with an open mind and fish different parts of the River depending on conditions. I often find the right spot is more important than the right fly or method (that's why Andy chooses to float 20miles+ a day....he's not as dumb as he looks!)

Have a good trip.


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Thank you for the kind words. Lol

Beast, you don't have to stay at a place with river access. I can think of 11 spots on the WB right off the top of my head where you can park and walk in. Once on river....go anywhere you'd like as long as you are inside the high water mark. That will apply to the WB or Main. From the dam down to the gamelands, it New York water. Gamelands and south is PA and NY. The water coming from the dam is 42-44 degrees so it's knee achingly cold. The cold water usually extends the entire length of the WB and almost 10 miles down the main stem. I think that this is a conversation better had in private. Check your PM.

The gathering is a long weekend. Some might show as early as Wednesday and others might show on Friday. Fishing, bs-ing, a few beers, fun and a Saturday morning raffle. 9' 5 or 6 weight would be your preferred gear for larger water. Casts of 40-60' are pretty standard. You also need to prepare for wind or rain. It's a little different up there.

For the guys that have shown interest, how about tossing out some dates. Please provide 2 different week's that would work. The 3rd week of September scares me due to the lake turning over. That typically results in dirty water and algae being blown out the gates. Dirty water can yeild some very good fishing though.

I think that first weekend in October was fine last year. Should put us past the lake event. Last fall we had hebes, Isos, a few Sulphers still around. The much anticipated "October Caddis" was largely absent, but whatever. I'll nominate October 3-6. But I'm open to anything else too.
Sept 27 - 29 would work for me. Had a great time in May with all of you.
I'm in and should be good for any weekend around that time.
Ok Martin. You have unknowingly committed in blood. You are now required to make it.
DaveS is organizing a caravan from western PA. There will likely be myself and 2 to 4 others riding out with Dave. Looking forward to a great time!