


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I am sitting here trying to think of a good excuse to get out of work early to head to the Jam.

What are your best fishing excuses given to the boss. I may try one out later today.
Plumbing emergency at home? Dog got off its chain? Can't concentrate on work, I got Green Drakes on my mind?

I'm an intern with a year of school left... so I can get ballsy with this since I don't have a family to support or anything.

Once I just told my boss I needed some time off to go to Pulaski to catch king salmon. She didn't know where pulaski was, but king salmon sounded cool... so she let me go.

Just tell em you're going fishing. It might work.
The plumbing one works great. Never failed on me. If you want the sure thing though, complain about stomach pain all day and then on your way back from lunch call and say you crapped yourself. Kinda gross but no one will want your stinky *** around.
I have explosive diahrrea!!! (sp?).
Boss! I got a problem with my eye! I can't see myself being here all day! :lol:

If you have a child in school try this: The school nurse called and your child hurled and needs a ride home. Your spouse is helping out a sick relative and won't be able to return for at least a few hrs. You most go immediately!
Van_Cleaver wrote:
If you have a child in school try this: The school nurse called and your child hurled and needs a ride home. Your spouse is helping out a sick relative and won't be able to return for at least a few hrs. You most go immediately!

Are you one of my employees? :lol:

No, just a coach for the excuse making impaired. If I was one of your employees we'd have fished together. Also, I'd have used every reasonable tactic to get the day off ahead of time. Wouldn't look too good if I called in sick in the am., only to run into the boss during the spinnerfall. Good luck keeping the empl0yees in line; sounds like you might be dealing with some crafty varmints!
Sadly, I'm beyond excuses. My wife is pregnant with twins, and was just put on bed rest this week. She isn't due until October 17, so my fishing will be pretty limited for the next few years.
Good date, my father B-day and mine is 10/7! Hope everything is ok with the twins! Is this your first and second child? Good luck let us know how everything turns out ian.
Go to lunch and never go back to work,when they ask monday morning say you were abducted by aliens .it works every time..
here u go. i know its past the jam date BUT this will work. eat lunch with your boss( in his office). have a hot dog. buy 2 butdont let him see the second one. complain shortly after of stomach pain. then return to his office with a bite of the second hotdog and some orange juice in the mouth. act like u throw it up on his floor. he will send u home. (maybe even some light water spray on the face to appear sweaty). :-D
I have actually used it.....and it wasn't an excuse. Believe me they were glad I went home. There was a company wide memo the next day that said "no more than 3 employees shall go to Labamba at the same time any more"

Ohhh I miss Labamba....w/ burrito's "as big as your head"